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[英]Configure Python flask application with apache and mod_wsgi in linux

I have a linux apache 2.4.12 and mod_wsgi 4.5.2 (mod_wsgi.so installed into apache) under application account. 我在应用程序帐户下有一个linux apache 2.4.12和mod_wsgi 4.5.2(mod_wsgi.so安装到apache中)。 Apache runs under port 8050 under application account. Apache在应用程序帐户下的端口8050下运行。 Following this link to test mod_wsgi working: http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/develop/user-guides/quick-configuration-guide.html#wsgi-application-script-file and I entered my URL: http://mytest.mydomain.com:8050/myapp . 以下链接测试mod_wsgi的工作: http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/develop/user-guides/quick-configuration-guide.html#wsgi-application-script-file和我进入我的网址: HTTP:/ /mytest.mydomain.com:8050/myapp It displayed "Hello World", so it indicated my mod_wsgi installation working. 它显示“Hello World”,因此它表明我的mod_wsgi安装正常。 Next I tried to see if I can make flask application work. 接下来我试着看看我是否可以使烧瓶应用工作。

I created the simple hello.py file under /home/myuserId/wsgi: 我在/ home / myuserId / wsgi下创建了简单的hello.py文件:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
   return 'Hello World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

then I created a simple wsgi file as: 然后我创建了一个简单的wsgi文件:

import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, "/home/myuserId/wsgi")

from hello import app as application

then I followed others suggestions including this http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/mod_wsgi/ to configure my apache http.conf file with virtualhost as: 然后我跟随其他建议,包括http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/mod_wsgi/ ,用virtualhost配置我的apache http.conf文件:

<VirtualHost *:8050>

  # ServerName www.example.com

  WSGIDaemonProcess hello user=appuser group=appuser threads=5
  WSGIScriptAlias / /home/myuserId/wsgi/hello.wsgi

 <Directory /home/myuserId/wsgi>
    WSGIProcessGroup hello
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Require all granted
    Options +ExecCGI
    AddHandler wsgi-script .wsgi

I saved the httpd.conf file and restarted the apache w/o error. 我保存了httpd.conf文件并重新启动了apache w / o错误。 When I entered the URL in chrome: http://mytest.mydomain.com:8050/hello or http://mytest.mydomain.com:8050/hello_world , I got this error: 当我在chrome中输入网址: http//mytest.mydomain.com8050 / hellohttp://mytest.mydomain.com:8050/hello_world时 ,我收到此错误:

**Not Found**

The requested URL /hello was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.12 (Unix) mod_wsgi/4.5.2 Python/2.7.9 Server at mytest.mydomain.com port 8050. 

My questions are: 我的问题是:

  1. is my configuration wrong? 我的配置错了吗?
  2. what is the right URL for the above hello flask application to use? 上面的hello flask应用程序使用的URL是什么?
  3. tried WSGIScriptAlias /hello /home/myuserId/wsgi/hello.wsgi to mount hello application but not found either. 尝试使用WSGIScriptAlias /hello /home/myuserId/wsgi/hello.wsgi来挂载hello应用程序但是找不到。
  4. for flask app, why does conf file have to conf the app in VirtualHost? 对于烧瓶应用程序,为什么conf文件必须在VirtualHost中配置应用程序?

You aren't specifying ServerName directive with host name. 您没有使用主机名指定ServerName指令。 As a result it will not match that VirtualHost and will instead fallback to whatever the first VirtualHost was that it found in the Apache configuration files. 因此,它将与VirtualHost不匹配,而是将回退到它在Apache配置文件中找到的第一个VirtualHost。

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