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[英]Angular2 child component as data

Let's say I have two components: parent and child . 假设我有两个组成部分: parentchild The HTML would look like this: HTML将如下所示:

<parent title="Welcome">
    <child name="Chris">Blue Team</child>
    <child name="Tom">Red Team</child>

The final output would look like: 最终输出如下:

    <li><b>Chris</b> is on the Blue Team</li>
    <li><b>Tom</b> is on the Red Team</li>

The parent component: 父组件:

  selector: 'parent',
  directives: [ChildComponent], // needed?
  template: `
       <li *ngFor="#child of children()">{{child.content}}<li>
export class ParentComponent {

    @Input() title;

    children() {
        // how?


How do I access the child components from within the parent and get their content? 如何从父级中访问子组件并获取其内容?

Also, I don't want the children to be automatically rendered. 此外,我不希望自动渲染孩子。 Depending on some conditions I may choose not to show certain children. 根据某些条件,我可能会选择不显示某些孩子。

Thanks. 谢谢。


For projecting content to an element (transclusion) you would need the <ng-content> element like 要将内容投影到元素(包含),您需要<ng-content>元素

  selector: 'parent',
  directives: [ChildComponent], // needed?
  template: `
       <li *ngFor="letchild of children()">

<ng-content select="xxx">

but that won't work for your use case because <ng-content> doesn't produce content, it only projects it (works as a placehoder where children are displayed within your components template. 但是这不适用于您的用例,因为<ng-content>不会生成内容,它只会投影它(作为一个放置在子组件模板中显示子项的放置器。

Even though *ngFor would produce 3 <ng-content> elements, the children would only be displayed once in the first <ng-content> element. 即使*ngFor会生成3个<ng-content>元素,子元素也只会在第一个<ng-content>元素中显示一次。

<ng-content> allows to use selectors like <ng-content>允许使用选择器

<ng-content select="[name=Chris]"></ng-content>

where a template like 模板之类的地方

     <ng-content select="[name=Chris]"></ng-content>

would result in 会导致

    <li><b>Chris</b> is on the Blue Team</li>

A more flexible and powerful approach explained in Binding events when using a ngForTemplate in Angular 2 (from @kemsky s comment) 在Angular 2中使用ngForTemplate时,Binding事件中解释了一种更灵活,更强大的方法(来自@kemsky的评论)

<template> , @ViewChildren() , and *ngForTemplate <template>@ViewChildren()*ngForTemplate

If you wrap the children in <template> tags you can access them using @ContentChildren() and insert them using *ngFor and *ngForTemplate . 如果将子项包装在<template>标记中,则可以使用@ContentChildren()访问它们,并使用*ngFor*ngForTemplate插入它们。

I am using a little hack here with the inner *ngFor . 我正在使用内部*ngFor进行一点点破解。 There is a better approach work in progress ( ngTemplateOutlet https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/8021 already merged) 有一种更好的方法正在进行中( ngTemplateOutlet https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/8021已经合并)

  selector: 'parent',
  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let child of templates">
         <!-- with [child] we make the single element work with 
              *ngFor because it only works with arrays -->
         <span *ngFor="let t of [child]" *ngForTemplate="child"></span>
export class ParentComponent {

  @Input() title;
  @ContentChildren(TemplateRef) templates;

    selector: 'my-app',
    directives: [ParentComponent],
    template: `
<parent title="Welcome">
  <template><child name="Chris">Blue Team</child></template>
  <template><child name="Tom">Red Team</child></template>
export class AppComponent {}

Plunker example Plunker的例子

See also How to repeat a piece of HTML multiple times without ngFor and without another @Component for more ngTemplateOutlet Plunker examples. 另请参阅如何在没有ngFor的情况下多次重复HTML片段,如果没有其他@ComponentngTemplateOutlet可以获得更多ngTemplateOutlet Plunker示例。

update Angular 5 更新Angular 5

ngOutletContext was renamed to ngTemplateOutletContext ngOutletContext已重命名为ngTemplateOutletContext

See also https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#500-beta5-2017-08-29 另见https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#500-beta5-2017-08-29

Perhaps you're looking for this? 也许你正在寻找这个? https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.html#!#parent-to-child-local-var https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.html#!#parent-to-child-local-var

You can assign a local var to any child in parent view 您可以将本地var分配给父视图中的任何子项

<child #child1></child>
<child #child2></child>
<button (click)="child1.doSomething()">Trigger child1</button>

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