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[英]Hello world with GraphQLObjectType

I am executing the following code and the result is: 我正在执行以下代码,结果是:

{TestPojo={id=null, name=null}}

I was expecting the result to be {TestPojo={id="1", name="Jack"}} . 我期望的结果是{TestPojo={id="1", name="Jack"}} What am I missing? 我想念什么?

import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLString;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.newFieldDefinition;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.newObject;

import java.util.Map;

import graphql.GraphQL;
import graphql.schema.DataFetcher;
import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // sub schema to be added to parent schema
        GraphQLObjectType testPojo = newObject().name("TestPojo")
                                                .description("This is a test POJO")
        // parent schema
        GraphQLObjectType queryType = newObject().name("helloWorldQuery")
                                                                            .dataFetcher(new DataFetcher() {
                                                                                public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment arg0) {
                                                                                    Object a = new GrapgQLSampleController()
                                                                                    return a;

        GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(queryType).build();
        Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) new GraphQL(schema).execute("{TestPojo {id,name}}")
        // Prints: {TestPojo={id=null, name=null}}

     * service method 2
     * @return
    public TestPojo greeting2() {
        return new TestPojo("1", "Jack");

    // inner pojo
    class TestPojo {
        public String id;
        public String name;

        TestPojo(String id, String name) {
            this.id = id;
            this.name = name;

Try adding getter methods on your TestPojo class as these will be called when declared on the class. 尝试在TestPojo类上添加getter方法,因为这些方法在类上声明时将被调用。 Otherwise define your own DataFetcher on the field. 否则,请在字段上定义自己的DataFetcher

class TestPojo {
    public final String id;
    public final String name;

    TestPojo(String id, String name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

    String getId() {
        return id; 

    String getName() { 
        return name;

Trying to be pedagogical by fixing the code. 通过修复代码尝试进行教学。 Note that static content comes from whatever is in .staticValue("X") 请注意,静态内容来自.staticValue(“ X”)中的任何内容

    GraphQLObjectType testPojo = newObject().name("TestPojo")
                                            .description("This is a test POJO")

    GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(testPojo).build();
    Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) new GraphQL(schema).execute("{id,name}")

Will print {id=Test1, name=pojo1} 将显示{id = Test1,name = pojo1}

Can update the example using DataFetcher when I have time 有空时可以使用DataFetcher更新示例

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