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Indy TCP服务器中的用户身份验证

[英]User Authentication in indy tcp server

i am trying to write a telnet type program to read data from indy tcpserver 我正在尝试编写telnet类型的程序以从indy tcpserver读取数据

I want the user to first authenticate .. which is easy .. but the problem is where do I keep this authentication result so when the client executes another command, my tcpserver would know that this is an authenticated user and return data accordingly. 我希望用户首先进行身份验证..这很容易..但是问题是我应将此身份验证结果保存在何处,因此当客户端执行另一命令时,我的tcpserver会知道这是已身份验证的用户,并相应地返回数据。

I hope I was specific.. and sorry for my English i'm from Venezuela. 我希望我很具体..对不起我的英语我来自委内瑞拉。

TIdPeerThread in Indy 9, and TIdContext in Indy 10, both have a Data property that you can store whatever you want in it. TIdPeerThread在印第安纳波利斯9和TIdContext在印第安纳波利斯10中,有一个Data ,你可以存储任何你想让它财产。

A better option is to derive a new class from TIdPeerThread / TIdServerContext instead, add your custom fields/properties to that class as needed, and then assign that class to the server's ThreadClass / ContextClass property. 更好的选择是从TIdPeerThread / TIdServerContext派生一个新类,然后根据需要将自定义字段/属性添加到该类,然后将该类分配给服务器的ThreadClass / ContextClass属性。 Each command handler can then type-cast the provided APeerThread / AContext object to your class type to access your custom data. 然后,每个命令处理程序都可以将提供的APeerThread / AContext对象类型转换为您的类类型,以访问您的自定义数据。

You should look at the source code for Indy's own components that support user authentication, such as TIdPOP3Server and TIdSMTPServer , to see how they persist authentication data between commands. 您应该查看Indy自己的支持用户身份验证的组件的源代码,例如TIdPOP3ServerTIdSMTPServer ,以查看它们如何在命令之间保留身份验证数据。

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