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[英]Selecting multiple elements with same classname using CSS

So i have a list of questions on the home page like this:所以我在主页上有一个问题列表,如下所示:

<div id="question-summary-36771853" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772065" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772003" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772259" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772257" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772256" class="question-summary narrow">
<div id="question-summary-36772253" class="question-summary narrow"> 

now the id changes everytime the page is refreshed.现在每次刷新页面时 id 都会更改。 I want to know how can i use CSS selector to capture just the first 5 questions.我想知道如何使用 CSS 选择器来捕获前 5 个问题。

You can partially match the id using the "starts-with" or "contains" notation:您可以使用“starts-with”或“contains”符号部分匹配id


Or, you can check the class instead of id:或者,您可以检查类而不是 id:


As for limiting it to 5 first elements only, you can use the "findElements" method of your selenium language bindings and slice the result.至于将其限制为仅 5 个第一个元素,您可以使用 selenium 语言绑定的“findElements”方法并对结果进行切片。 Example in Python: Python 中的示例:

questions = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('div[id^="question-summary-"]')
first_5_questions = questions[:5]

If you'll like a CSS only based way to do it, you could use :nth-child pseudo-selector, to select only the first 5 elements.如果您喜欢仅基于 CSS 的方法,您可以使用:nth-child伪选择器,只选择前 5 个元素。 It's a little bit manual, but can be achieved with CSS like this:这有点手动,但可以使用 CSS 来实现,如下所示:

.question-summary:nth-child(5) {
   /* your style goes here */

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