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[英]Redirecting the user to the same page after login (Rails)

I want to redirect the user to the same page after login. 我想在登录后将用户重定向到同一页面。 The scenario is that the user will be redirected to a signin page if he is not logged in. On the signin page, when he clicks on one of the available user options, I want to store the user_id and then redirect him back to the same page where he came from. 如果用户未登录,则会将用户重定向到登录页面。在登录页面上,当他点击其中一个可用的用户选项时,我想存储user_id,然后将其重定向到同一页面他来自哪个页面。 For this, I'm using the following code: 为此,我使用以下代码:

In application_helper.rb: 在application_helper.rb中:

module ApplicationHelper
def check_signed_in
if session[:user] == nil
  if request.format.html?
    session[:referer] = request.url
    redirect_to signin_index_path
    @error = 'Please Signin!'
    @forward_page = '/signin'
    render 'signin/show_signin.js'

In SigninController: 在SigninController中:

class SigninController < ApplicationController
def index
session[:user] = params[:user_id]
redirect_to session[:referer]

In signin/index page: 在登录/索引页面中:

We simulate a signin here. Click on an user and you will logged in as the selected user and you will be redirected the previous page.

<%= link_to 'Sam', controller:"signin", action: "index" , user_id: 284542812, remote: true %> <%= link_to 'Marge', controller:"signin", action: "index" , user_id: 604700687, remote: true %>

Error that I'm getting: 我得到的错误:

the user_id is not being saved and while redirecting I get an error saying that session[:referer] is nil. user_id没有被保存,重定向时我得到一个错误,说会话[:referer]是零。

Please explain what am I doing wrong 请解释我做错了什么

You are calling it async if request.format.html? if request.format.html?您将其称为异步if request.format.html? then asking a format is html? 然后问一个格式是html? it returns false . returns false Since it returns false you are not able to store this session session[:referer] = request.url . 由于它returns false ,因此无法存储此会话session[:referer] = request.url

Also Rails has redirect_to :back option too. Rails也有redirect_to :back选项。 Try this below first, and let me know... 首先尝试以下方法,让我知道......

Helper: 帮手:

module ApplicationHelper
  def check_signed_in
    if session[:user]
      session[:referer] = request.url

Controller: 控制器:

class SigninController < ApplicationController
  include ApplicationHelper

  def index
    session[:user] = params[:user_id]
    redirect_to session[:referer]

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