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[英]Hide ion-nav-bar on scroll in ionic

I am having tabs template in ionic.Need to hide top navigation bar on scrolling the content of tab.Like whatsapp does. 我在ionic中有选项卡模板。需要在滚动选项卡的内容时隐藏顶部导航栏。 What changes needed in my template. 我的模板需要进行哪些更改。

<!--This is Index.html-->
<body ng-app="starter">
    <ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive"></ion-nav-bar>
<!--this is template.html-->
            <ion-item class="item-remove-animate item-avatar item-icon-right" ng-repeat="x in names" type="item-text-wrap">
                <img ng-src="{{x.displayProfile}}">

This is how you can do it in custom situations. 这是在自定义情况下可以执行的操作。

<ion-content on-scroll="scrollEvent()" delegate-handle="scrollHandle">

Set the on-scroll event to the ionic-content and then in your controller. 将滚动事件设置为离子含量,然后在控制器中。

$scope.scrollEvent = function() {
  $scope.scrollamount = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('scrollHandle').getScrollPosition().top;
  if ($scope.scrollamount > 180) {
    $scope.$apply(function() {
       $scope.hideNavigation = true;
  } else {
    $scope.$apply(function() {
      $scope.hideNavigation = false;

IF YOU HAVE SIMPLE NAV BAR AND CAN HIDE IT ALL TOGETHER JUST USE "$ionicNavBarDelegate.showBar(false);" 如果您拥有简单的导航栏并且可以将其全部隐藏在一起,只需使用“ $ ionicNavBarDelegate.showBar(false);” instead of $scope.hideNavgiation and all related things to that variable. 而不是$ scope.hideNavgiation以及该变量的所有相关内容。 Example: 例:

$scope.scrollEvent = function() {
  var scrollamount = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('scrollHandle').getScrollPosition().top;
  if (scrollamount > 0) { // Would hide nav-bar immediately when scrolled and show it only when all the way at top. You can fiddle with it to find the best solution for you
  } else {

The $scope.scrollamount is just a pixel value of when to hide the navbar, in this case when user has scrolled 180px from the top. $ scope.scrollamount只是隐藏导航栏的时间的像素值,在这种情况下,当用户从顶部滚动180px时。 But after this you only need to add ng-if="!hideNavigation" or ng-show="!hideNavigation". 但是之后,您只需要添加ng-if =“!hideNavigation”或ng-show =“!hideNavigation”。

You can also set $scope.scrollamount to zero/null when scope is destroyed or ionicview.leave etc. 当范围被破坏或ionicview.leave等时,您也可以将$ scope.scrollamount设置为零/空。

If your navbar is not in the same template and/or controller as your template then you can just 如果导航栏与模板不在同一模板和/或控制器中,则可以

$scope.scrollEvent = function() {
  $scope.scrollamount = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('scrollHandle').getScrollPosition().top;
  if ($scope.scrollamount > 180) {
    $scope.$apply(function() {
      $rootScope.$broadcast('showHideNavigation', { hide: true });
  } else {
    $scope.$apply(function() {
      $rootScope.$broadcast('showHideNavigation', { hide: false });

And catch it in your other controller 并在其他控制器中捕获它

$scope.$on('showHideNavigation', function(event, args) {
  $scope.hideNavigation = args.hide;

Hopefully this helps you. 希望这对您有帮助。

Just wanted to contribute for Ionic 2 users with something I've made. 我只是想为Ionic 2用户做出自己的贡献。

You just need to add it to your project. 您只需要将其添加到您的项目中即可。 You can customize HeaderScroller component after that: 之后,您可以自定义HeaderScroller组件:

header-scroller.ts : header-scroller.ts

import { Directive, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

 * Show/Hide header based on page's scroll position.
    selector: '[header-scroller]'
export class HeaderScroller {

     * @var number Distance from page top to trigger the hide/show functionality.
    protected _topTriggeringDistance: number = 100;

     * @var string Distance to keep between the top and the content when the header is hidden.
    protected _topContentDistance: string = '10px';

     * @var number Animation transition, in seconds, for showing/hiding the header.
    protected _animationTransition: number = 0.6;

     * @var HTMLElement Content element (<ion-content>).
    protected _el: any;

     * Initializes.
     * @param el ElementRef Directive's selector.
     * @return void
    constructor(el: ElementRef) {

        this._el = el.nativeElement;

     * Binds the scroller.
     * @return void
    ngOnInit() {

        // Set animation transition
        this._el.previousElementSibling.style.transition = `top ${this._animationTransition}s ease-in-out`;


     * Listen to scroll events in <scroll-content> component.
     * @param el HTMLElement Scroller element (<scroll-content>).
     * @return void
    protected _bindScroller(el): void {

        el.addEventListener('scroll', event => {

            let scroller = event.target,
                header = event.target.parentElement.previousElementSibling;

            if (event.target.scrollTop > this._topTriggeringDistance && header.style.top != '0') {
                scroller.style.marginTop = this._topContentDistance;
                header.style.top = `-${header.offsetHeight}px`;
            } else if (event.target.scrollTop <= this._topTriggeringDistance && header.style.top == `-${header.offsetHeight}px`) {
                header.style.top = '0';
                scroller.style.marginTop = `${header.offsetHeight}px`;

In your page.ts : 在您的page.ts中

import { HeaderScroller } from 'path/to/header-scroller';

Depending on your Ionic version (beta or stable), you must add: 根据您的Ionic版本(测试版或稳定版),您必须添加:

// Ionic 2 beta (page.ts)
    directives: [ HeaderScroller ]

// Ionic 2 new (app.module.ts) -untested, but it should work-
    declarations: [
    entryComponents: [

And in your page.html 并在您的page.html中

<ion-content header-scroller>

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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