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[英]Why is there a nested pointer inside a C struct definition?

I'm working through Learn C The Hard Way and am struggling to understand something in Exercise 16: Structs And Pointers To Them. 我正在通过学​​习C The Hard Way来努力,并且正在努力去理解练习16中的内容:结构和指针。

struct Person *Person_create(char *name, int age, int height, int weight)
    struct Person *who = malloc(sizeof(struct Person));
    assert(who != NULL);

    who->name = strdup(name);
    who->age = age;
    who->height = height;
    who->weight = weight;

    return who;

I understand that struct Person returns a pointer (*person_create) to the start of the struct. 我理解struct Person将一个指针(* person_create)返回到struct的开头。 But why is there a second struct definition to Person immediately nested inside? 但是为什么有人第二个结构定义立即嵌套在里面? Pointing to *who? 指着谁?

Can somebody shed some light on this for me. 有人可以为我阐明这一点。 Or point me towards a better explanation of struct definitions in C. 或者指出我在C中更好地解释结构定义。

I understand that struct Person returns a pointer ( *person_create ) 我理解struct Person返回一个指针( *person_create

Wait, it's not what you think, or at least you don't say it that way.... 等等,这不是你的想法,或者至少你不这么说......

Here, person_create() is a function , which returns a pointer to struct Person . 这里, person_create()是一个函数 ,它返回一个指向struct Person的指针。 This is not a definition of struct Person . 不是 struct Person的定义。

Now, that said, coming to your actual quetion, struct Person *who does not define the struct Person , rather, it defines a variable who which is a pointer to struct Person . 现在,就是说,进入你的实际排队, struct Person *who 没有定义struct Person ,而是定义了一个变量who它是一个指向struct Person的指针。

For ease of understanding, consider int someRandomVariable = 0 . 为了便于理解,请考虑int someRandomVariable = 0 It does not define int , right? 它没有定义int ,对吗? It defines a variable someRandomVariable of type int . 它定义了一个int类型的变量someRandomVariable

The function returns a pointer of type struct Person * , in other words a pointer to a struct Person . 该函数返回struct Person *类型的指针,换句话说,指向struct Person的指针。

In particular here the pointer you will return is named who , as you can understand from the declaration struct Person * who = ... . 特别是在这里,你将返回的指针被命名为who ,你可以从声明struct Person * who = ...理解。 Therefore, you need to allocate memory for the variable who , which you will fill, and return a pointer to. 因此,你需要为变量分配内存who ,你将填补,并返回一个指针。

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