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[英]What is the best way to check if a value exists in a database in VB.NET?

I am familiar with connecting to databases in VB.NET to get data, but I have a slightly different task this time. 我熟悉在VB.NET中连接数据库以获取数据,但这次我的任务略有不同。 In the past I have hit the database to get values from a table to use in my application (names, addresses, prices, etc.), but now I need to simply access the database to check and see if a value exists. 在过去,我已经点击数据库从表中获取值以在我的应用程序中使用(名称,地址,价格等),但现在我只需要访问数据库来检查并查看是否存在值。 I don't know the best way to go about this. 我不知道最好的办法。 Is there a good, efficient way to do this without actually getting any data from the database? 有没有一种好的,有效的方法来实现这一点,而无需从数据库中获取任何数据?

To further clarify, I want to check and see if a certain code exists in the database when the user enters a value in a textbox (this is an ASP.NET web site project). 为了进一步说明,我想检查并查看当用户在文本框中输入值时,数据库中是否存在某个代码(这是一个ASP.NET网站项目)。 If the code exists, I will inform the user via a popup box. 如果代码存在,我将通过弹出框通知用户。

EDIT: 编辑:

If I create a stored procedure in SQL Server that returns true if the value exists or false if it doesn't (or 0 or 1), how can I use the return value in VB.NET? 如果我在SQL Server中创建存储过程,如果值存在则返回true,如果不存在(或0或1)则返回false,如何在VB.NET中使用返回值?

If you know the Primary Key value or some other unique value of your table the fastest way I know to check the existence or not of a particular record is the following 如果您知道主键值或表的其他一些唯一值,我知道检查特定记录是否存在的最快方法如下

Dim cmdText = "IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM yourTable WHERE idField = @value) " & _
              "SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0"

Using cnn = new SqlConnection(.....)
Using cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, cnn)
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@value", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 9876
    Dim result = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())
    Dim exists = IF result = 1, True, False
End Using
End Using

This approach is preferable to count the records that match your condition because the database engine is free to return immediately after checking if the condition has been matched instead of counting till the end of the table. 这种方法比计算符合条件的记录更可取,因为数据库引擎在检查条件是否匹配后可以立即自由返回,而不是计数直到表的末尾。 But, of course, it is of the utmost importance that the field on which you execute the search is indexed. 但是,当然,执行搜索的字段已编入索引至关重要。

Some info on the EXISTS operator on MSDN 有关MSDN上EXISTS运算符的一些信息


I may be missing something here as it seems too easy! 我可能在这里遗漏了一些东西,因为它似乎太容易了! It sounds like all you want is to execute a simple SQL query along the lines of Select Field from Table where field = Value. 听起来你想要的就是沿着Table中Select Field的行执行一个简单的SQL查询,其中field = Value。 The Command execution should return the number of rows selected so if Return is greater than 0 then the item exists. Command执行应返回所选行数,因此如果Return大于0则该项存在。

You feed the Value with the item entered in the textbox when the SQL Command is constructed at run time. 在运行时构造SQL命令时,使用在文本框中输入的项来提供值。

Apologies if I'm missing summit! 如果我错过了峰会,我会道歉!

VB.net KB on running stored procs from VB.net:- 从VB.net运行存储过程的VB.net KB :-

Running SPs from VB.net 从VB.net运行SP

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