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[英]Why Hibernate sometimes ignores FetchMode.JOIN?

I have an entity with a @ManyToOne relation, which I'd like to retrieve with a single query, thus using @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) . 我有一个具有@ManyToOne关系的实体,我想用单个查询检索它,因此使用@Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) Sometimes Hibernate doesn't respect that and issues N+1 SELECT s. 有时Hibernate不尊重并发布N + 1 SELECT With sometimes I mean that since I don't know what triggers it, I have cases which on the same class for different queries this could happen or not. 有时我的意思是,因为我不知道触发它的是什么,所以我可以在同一个类中针对不同的查询这种情况发生或不发生。

This is a simplified entity with the annotations I use: 这是一个带有我使用的注释的简化实体:

public class Employee {

    private Department department;



CriteriaQuery<Employee> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Employee.class);

Root<Employee> root = criteriqQuery.from(Employee.class);

TypedQuery<Employee> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);

List<Employee> employees = typedQuery.getResultList();

I would expect a single query to fetch both Employee and its Department , something like 我希望单个查询可以获取Employee及其Department ,例如

select ... from Employee join Department on ...

instead I get a first select for all N Employee s and then N SELECT s for all Department s (consider no cache). 相反,我得到所有N Employee第一个选择,然后是所有Department的N SELECT (考虑没有缓存)。

I've found many similar questions, but their answers suggest workarounds and do not explain why this is happening. 我发现了许多类似的问题,但他们的答案提出了解决方法,并没有解释为什么会发生这种情况。 Please, avoid answers suggesting to use lazy loading: it's not what I'm asking. 请避免建议使用延迟加载的答案:这不是我问的问题。

The rule is quite simple: Queries ignore fetch modes. 规则很简单:查询忽略了获取模式。 When you write a query, you are telling what is joined and what is not joined. 当您编写查询时,您将告知已加入的内容和未加入的内容。

Fetch mode is only taken into account when entity is loaded with methods like EntityManager.find(class, id) or when navigating through some other entity graph and loading its associations. 仅当实体加载了EntityManager.find(class, id)或者导航通过其他实体图并加载其关联时EntityManager.find(class, id)才会考虑获取模式。

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