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[英]How can I use the conditional null operator to check for null string?

I'm trying to execute the LINQ to objects query as follows: 我试图执行LINQ到对象查询,如下所示:

var c1 = allCustomers
    .Where(x => x.CompanyName.Replace("'", "").StartsWith(searchText))

This works fine as long as CompanyName is not null. 只要CompanyName不为null,就可以正常工作。

So, I thought this seems like the perfect place for the new null conditional operator! 因此,我认为对于新的空条件运算符来说,这似乎是理想的选择! Just change to: 只需更改为:

var c1 = allCustomers
    .Where(x => x.CompanyName?.Replace("'", "").StartsWith(searchText))

and everything should work! 一切都会正常!

Instead, I get the error: 相反,我得到了错误:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'bool?' to 'bool'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

I'm not quite sure how to accomplish what I want here. 我不太确定如何在这里完成我想要的。 How would I use the null conditional in this scenario? 在这种情况下,我将如何使用null条件?

You need a coalesce operator to convert the tri-state to a proper boolean. 您需要合并运算符将三态转换为适当的布尔值。

var c1 = allCustomers
    .Where(x => x.CompanyName?.Replace("'", "").StartsWith(searchText) ?? false)

I call bool? 我叫bool? a tri-state because it can have three values: true , false and null ; 三态,因为它可以具有三个值: truefalsenull therefore, converting bool? 因此,转换bool? to bool is a narrowing conversion that requires explicit treatment. 转化为bool是一种狭窄的转化,需要进行明确的处理。

you need more question marks! 您需要更多问号! i think you need null coalescing as well, since x.CompanyName?.Replace could now also return null. 我认为您也需要空合并,因为x.CompanyName?.Replace现在也可以返回空。

(x.CompanyName?.Replace("'", "") ?? string.Empty).StartsWith(searchText))

the ?? string.empty ?? string.empty ?? string.empty forces that to be a non-null string, which now supports .startswith ?? string.empty强制将其设置为非null字符串,该字符串现在支持.startswith

Use ?? 使用?? operator like: 运算子,例如:

Where(x => x.CompanyName?.Replace("'", "").StartsWith(searchText) ?? false)

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