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[英]WPF Content View not displaying DataTemplate

I have a ContentControl which will not display any XAML from its DataTemplate, and I feel certain that the problem I'm facing will be obvious for those with better WPF codemancy than myself. 我有一个ContentControl,它不会从其DataTemplate中显示任何XAML,而且我确信,对于WPF编码比我自己更好的人,我面临的问题将很明显。 I have substituted "Object" for my object name where appropriate for confidentiality reasons. 出于机密原因,我在适当的地方用“ Object”代替了我的对象名称。

In my MainWindow.xaml I have this: 在我的MainWindow.xaml中,我有以下内容:

<ContentControl x:Name="ObjectDetailView"
                Margin="20,20,20,20" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1"
                DataContext="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=ObjectListView}"
                Template="{DynamicResource DetailControlTemplate}" 
                ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource DetailDataTemplate}"/>

I keep my templates in separate files to keep code readable. 我将模板保存在单独的文件中,以保持代码可读性。 The template is in a DataResources.xaml file that is being successfully used for the ListView. 该模板位于DataResources.xaml文件中,该文件已成功用于ListView。 The code for the content/template in question is: 有关内容/模板的代码为:

<ControlTemplate x:Key="DetailControlTemplate">
    <Border Style="{StaticResource ObjectDetailBorderStyle}">

<DataTemplate x:Key="DetailDataTemplate" DataType="{x:Type model:Object}">
  <!-- Valid XAML -->

In my Designer (both in VS and Blend) The border/background gradient displays, but nothing further. 在我的设计器中(同时在VS和Blend中)显示边框/背景渐变,但没有其他内容。 Same for the running program. 与正在运行的程序相同。

If I move the <!-- Valid XAML --> into the Control Template, it displays fine, but I don't believe that's kosher, and I also don't believe that the data-binding will work that way. 如果将<!-- Valid XAML -->移到控制模板中,它会显示正常,但是我不认为这是洁食,而且我也不相信数据绑定会那样工作。 Please correct me if I'm wrong. 如果我错了,请纠正我。

ObjectListView is a ListView populated dynamically from my VM, and I'm using MVVM. ObjectListView是从我的VM动态填充的ListView,并且我正在使用MVVM。 That all works just fine. 一切正常。 I'd prefer this ContentControl only appears once there is a valid selected object in the list view, but that's UX sugar at this point, thus my only concern is to get this content control displaying my model's data. 我希望此ContentControl仅在列表视图中有一个有效的选定对象时才出现,但这是UX糖,因此,我唯一关心的是使此内容控件显示我的模型数据。

I'm also fairly new to StackOverflow, so if I missed anything or made an error in posting this question, please let me know. 我也是StackOverflow的新手,所以如果我错过了任何内容或在发布此问题时出错了,请告诉我。 I've not had luck with searching for this issue over the last few hours, as I don't want to waste your time. 在过去的几个小时里,我一直没有找到这个问题的机会,因为我不想浪费您的时间。

Two things. 两件事情。 You did not set the actual Content of the ContentControl, but only its DataContext. 您没有设置ContentControl的实际Content ,而是仅设置了它的DataContext。 You should instead write this: 您应该这样写:

<ContentControl ...
    Content="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=ObjectListView}"
    Template="{DynamicResource DetailControlTemplate}" 
    ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource DetailDataTemplate}"/>

And your ControlTemplate is missing a TargetType : 而且您的ControlTemplate缺少TargetType

<ControlTemplate x:Key="DetailControlTemplate" TargetType="ContentControl">
    <Border Style="{StaticResource ObjectDetailBorderStyle}">

Without the TargetType, the ContentPresenter's properties aren't set by default, and you would have to set them explicitly like 如果没有TargetType,则默认情况下不会设置ContentPresenter的属性,您必须像

<ControlTemplate x:Key="DetailControlTemplate">
    <Border Style="{StaticResource ObjectDetailBorderStyle}">
            Content="{Binding Content,
                      RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"
            ContentTemplate="{Binding ContentTemplate,
                              RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"/>

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