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将$ resource查询参数传递给角材料md芯片自动完成

[英]Passing $resource query parameters to angular-material md-chips autocomplete

I was trying to use angular material's md-autocomplete to pass a searchable database query with $resource. 我试图使用角形材料的md-autocomplete通过$ resource传递可搜索的数据库查询。

Here is my controller 这是我的控制器

var pendingSearch, cancelSearch = angular.noop;
  var cachedQuery, lastSearch;
  $scope.allContacts = loadContacts();
$scope.contacts = [$scope.allContacts[0]];
$scope.asyncContacts = [];
$scope.filterSelected = true;
$scope.querySearch = querySearch;
$scope.delayedQuerySearch = delayedQuerySearch;
var contacts=[];
   * Search for contacts; use a random delay to simulate a remote call

  function querySearch (criteria) {
    cachedQuery = cachedQuery || criteria;

    User.Item.search({key: cachedQuery}).$promise.then(function (data) {

      for (var i = 0; i < data.lists.length; i++)
        var contacts.push(data.lists[i].last_name)
    return cachedQuery ? $scope.allContacts.filter(createFilterFor(cachedQuery)):[]


   * Async search for contacts
   * Also debounce the queries; since the md-contact-chips does not support this
  function delayedQuerySearch(criteria) {
    cachedQuery = criteria;
    if ( !pendingSearch || !debounceSearch() )  {
      return pendingSearch = $q(function(resolve, reject) {
        // Simulate async search... (after debouncing)
        cancelSearch = reject;
        $timeout(function(criteria) {
           resolve( $scope.querySearch(criteria));
              refreshDebounce() ;
        }, Math.random() * 900, true)
    return pendingSearch;
  function refreshDebounce() {
    lastSearch = 0;
    pendingSearch = null;
    cancelSearch = angular.noop;
   * Debounce if querying faster than 300ms
  function debounceSearch() {
    var now = new Date().getMilliseconds();
    lastSearch = lastSearch || now;
    return ((now - lastSearch) < 500);
   * Create filter function for a query string
  function createFilterFor(query) {
    var lowercaseQuery = angular.lowercase(query);
    return function filterFn(contact) {
      return (contact._lowername.indexOf(lowercaseQuery) != -1);;

  function loadContacts() {

    return contacts.map(function (c, index) {
      var cParts = c.split(' ');
      var contact = {
        name: c,
        email: cParts[0][0].toLowerCase() + '.' + cParts[1].toLowerCase() + '@example.com',
        image: 'http://lorempixel.com/50/50/people?' + index
      contact._lowername = contact.name.toLowerCase();
      return contact;

Here is my HTML 这是我的HTML

<md-list class="fixedRows">
                <md-subheader class="md-no-sticky">Contacts</md-subheader>
                <md-list-item class="md-2-line contact-item" ng-repeat="(index, contact) in allContacts"
                              ng-if="contacts.indexOf(contact) < 0">
                  <img ng-src="{{contact.image}}" class="md-avatar" alt="{{contact.name}}" />
                  <div class="md-list-item-text compact">
                <md-list-item class="md-2-line contact-item selected" ng-repeat="(index, contact) in contacts">
                  <img ng-src="{{contact.image}}" class="md-avatar" alt="{{contact.name}}" />
                  <div class="md-list-item-text compact">
                </md-list-item><h2 class="md-title">Searching asynchronously.</h2>

However I keep getting 但是我不断

angular.js:12722 TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined

or angular-material error of length of undefined. 或长度不确定的角度材料错误。

Variable contacts is 'undefined'. 可变触点为“未定义”。 Move declaration of 'contacts' variable above the method called. 将“联系人”变量的声明移到所调用的方法上方。 It should be like - 它应该像-

var contacts =[];
$scope.allContacts = loadContacts();
function loadContacts(){
     // your logic comes here

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