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如何使用 ExecuteSqlCommand 删除实体框架中的记录?

[英]How can I delete records in Entity Framework using ExecuteSqlCommand?

This is my code:这是我的代码:

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption))
    foreach (ManufacturecodeEntity mcodeEntity in ManufacturecodeEntities)
         ManufacturecodeEntity pcodeEntity = mcodeEntity.Parent;
         pcodeEntity.IsCurrent = true;


    UnitOfWork.DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete from manufacturecodes where detailstate_id=" + Id.ToString());


But when I run to method ExecuteSqlCommand , my application stops, then throws timeout exception.但是当我运行到方法ExecuteSqlCommand ,我的应用程序停止,然后抛出超时异常。

I use ExecuteSqlCommand to delete records because records is more than 1500, if I use Entity Framework Delete and SaveChanges method, it will take 60s, I can't accept the result.我使用ExecuteSqlCommand删除记录,因为记录超过1500条,如果我使用Entity Framework DeleteSaveChanges方法,需要60s,我不能接受结果。

So I try the ExecuteSqlCommand method to improve the performance.所以我尝试了ExecuteSqlCommand方法来提高性能。 Now it seems there is something wrong.现在好像有什么地方不对劲。

Please help me, thanks.请帮帮我,谢谢。


UnitOfWork.DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete from manufacturecodes where detailstate_id=@id", new SqlParameter("@id", id);

I think I know correct way.我想我知道正确的方法。 I should use DbContext.Database.BeginTransaction instead of TransactionScope我应该使用 DbContext.Database.BeginTransaction 而不是 TransactionScope

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