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如何在 Angular 2 的组件中使用管道?

[英]How to use a pipe in a component in Angular 2?

I have a pipe class which returns data based on the arguments you are passing.我有一个管道类,它根据您传递的参数返回数据。 I know how to use it in my template HTML using the |我知道如何在我的模板 HTML 中使用| symbol, but I want to use it in my component too.符号,但我也想在我的组件中使用它。

Is there a way to call a pipe directly from inside a component or a service in Angular 2?有没有办法直接从 Angular 2 中的组件或服务内部调用管道?

You can call your pipe directly in your code by using:您可以使用以下命令直接在代码中调用管道:

YourPipeClass.prototype.transform(value, arg1, arg2);

You can call it from inside your component or from anywhere else that imports it.您可以从组件内部或从导入它的任何其他地方调用它。

There is also the new way:还有一种new方法:

new SortTodosPipe().transform(value, arg1, arg2);

But keep in mind it will create an object, so either save that object for later use or use the prototype method.但请记住,它会创建一个对象,因此要么保存该对象以备后用,要么使用prototype方法。

Anyway you choose, you must add the pipe to your providers if you use it inside a component, like so:无论如何选择,如果您在组件中使用管道,则必须将管道添加到您的providers ,如下所示:

    providers: [YourPipe]

I would instance it and call it "transform" method.我会实例化它并将其称为“转换”方法。 I would do so:我会这样做:

  • because some pipes can be not pure (ie not stateless).因为有些管道可能不是纯的(即不是无状态的)。 Such pipes contain a state associated with an instance.此类管道包含与实例关联的状态。
  • because dependency injection is supported for pipes so perhaps you need to provide some parameters when instantiate it.因为管道支持依赖注入,所以在实例化它时可能需要提供一些参数。

Here is a sample with sample value and parameters:这是一个带有示例值和参数的示例:

import {FilterPipe} from './my.pipe';


export class SomeComponent {
  someMethod() {
    var val = [
      { name: 'test', fieldName: 'fieldvalue' },
    var params = [ 'fieldName', 'fieldValue' ];

    var p = new FilterPipe();
    var result = p.transform(val, params);

In the template this would be used for example this way:在模板中,这会以这种方式使用,例如:

<div *ngFor="#elt of val | filter:'fieldName':'fieldValue'">

I would keep the reusable part of what you're trying to do in a separate service, which can then be injected anywhere.我会将您尝试执行的操作的可重用部分保留在单独的服务中,然后可以将其注入到任何地方。 This feels like a slippery slope to something less testable and reusable.这感觉就像一个不太可测试和可重用的东西的滑坡。

I give solutions to solve this question from previous answers:我从以前的答案中给出了解决这个问题的解决方案:

You can create instance from Pipe class then use it's transform method within component class, Like this您可以从 Pipe 类创建实例,然后在组件类中使用它的转换方法,像这样

export class Component {

  method() {
    const date: sting = '24-05-2020';

    const datePipe = new DatePipe();
    const formatedDate = datePipe.transform(date, 'shortTime');

You can Provide DatePipe using @component Tag Or Using @Module tag under your Module class for this Component Then using Dependency injection to inject DatePipe instance into Component's constructor, Like this您可以使用@component标签或在您的模块类下为此组件使用@Module标签提供DatePipe 然后使用依赖注入将DatePipe 实例注入到组件的构造函数中,像这样

  providers: [DatePipe] // if you want to provide DatePipe under Module see @Alexander Leonov answer
export class Component {

  Component(private _datePipe: DatePipe) {

  method() {
    const date: sting = '24-05-2020';

    const formatedDate = this._datePipe.transform(date, 'shortTime');


  • Like Built-in Pipes classes, also your custom Pipe can apply this solutions与内置管道类一样,您的自定义管道也可以应用此解决方案

  • This Solutions apply on Angular v7+, I Don't known is work with Angular v2此解决方案适用于 Angular v7+,我不知道是否适用于 Angular v2

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