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[英]JavaScript remove fullstop, comma and spaces from a string

I'm trying to remove the fullstops, commas and spaces from a string. 我正在尝试从字符串中删除fullstops,逗号和空格。 I'm pretty sure I have to do this using this: str.replace(<some Regex here>, ""); 我很确定我必须这样做: str.replace(<some Regex here>, "");

I'm just not very familiar with Regex, how can I accomplish this? 我对Regex不是很熟悉,我怎么能做到这一点?

Use this regex /[.,\\s]/g 使用此正则表达式/ [。, /[.,\\s]/g

 var str = 'abc abc a, .aa '; var regex = /[.,\\s]/g; var result = str.replace(regex, ''); document.write(result); 

You don't need to escape character except ^-]\\ in character class [] 除了字符类[] ^-]\\之外,您不需要转义字符

Any character except ^-]\\ add that character to the possible matches for the character class. 除^ - ] \\之外的任何字符都将该字符添加到字符类的可能匹配项中。


str.replace(/[.,\s]/g, '');


str=str.replace(/./g,'').replace(/,/g,'').replace(/ /g,'');

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