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[英]jQuery AJAX request returns NULL from PHP

Here is the code I am working on for my Wordpress site: 这是我为Wordpress网站工作的代码:

jQuery: jQuery的:

    var actionValue;

    $(".tabRow li").on('click', function(event)
            event.preventDefault(); //override default behaviour

            var clicked = $(this); //caches click so we don't scan DOM again

            if(clicked.attr('id')=="tabAddData") //tab1 clicked
                    actionValue = "tab1Clicked";


            alert ('starting ajax call');
                    ajaxObject.ajaxurl, //request gets sent to this url
                    { //start of [options]
                            type: 'POST',

                            dataType: 'json', //type of data expected back from server

                            //data to send to server (JSON format)
                                    action: 'ajaxAction',
                                    nonce: ajaxObject.nonce,
                                    actionName: actionValue
                    } //end of [options]
            ) //end ajax(), the other fuctions are chained to it (.done .fail .always)

            .done (function(data)
                    alert ('success function');
                    if(actionValue == "tab1Clicked") //tab1 clicked
            }) //end of done (success) function

            .fail (function(xhr, desc, err)
                    alert ('error function');
                    console.log("Details: " + desc + "\nError:" + err);
            }) //end of fail (error) function
    }); //end of onclick



if(defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX)//check if AJAX is loaded and working
    //for logged in users
    add_action('wp_ajax_'.$my_action, 'ajaxResponse');

function ajaxResponse()
    if(wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'ajaxAction'))
            if($_POST['actionName'] == "tab1Clicked")
                    $addDataSection = getAddDataSection();
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'addDataSection' => $addDataSection
                    echo json_encode($response);//encodes the jQuery array into json format

function getAddDataSection()
    //lots of echo statements which builds the html code

When I first load my page, my PHP function getAddDataSection() generates the HTML inside my <div id='dataSection> . 第一次加载页面时,我的PHP函数getAddDataSection()<div id='dataSection>内生成HTML。 This works fine. 这很好。

When I click on tab1, my jQuery AJAX call is supposed to reuse the same PHP function to generate my HTML. 当我单击tab1时,我的jQuery AJAX调用应该重用相同的PHP函数来生成HTML。 This is not working fine. 不能正常工作。

After I click on tab1, the jQuery fail function is triggered. 单击tab1后,将触发jQuery失败函数。

When I check Firebug, the response data contains the html generated by my PHP function getDataSection() , followed by a JSON string 当我检查Firebug时,响应数据包含由我的PHP函数getDataSection()生成的html,后跟一个JSON字符串


When replying, keep in mind I'm a newbie. 回复时,请记住我是新手。 Thanks :) 谢谢 :)

Updated to include Console error: 更新以包括控制台错误:

Details: parsererror
Error:SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 2 column 1 of the JSON data

I think I found a solution. 我想我找到了解决方案。

In my jQuery, I changed the dataType from json to html. 在我的jQuery中,我将dataType从json更改为html。

Then in my PHP, I changed this: 然后在我的PHP中,我对此进行了更改:

            if($_POST['actionName'] == "tab1Clicked")
                    $addDataSection = getAddDataSection();
                            'status' => 'success',
                            'addDataSection' => $addDataSection
                    header('Content-type:application/json;charset=utf-8');//still works without this line
                    echo json_encode($response);//encodes the jQuery array into json format

to this: 对此:

            if($_POST['actionName'] == "tab1Clicked")
                    $addDataSection = getAddDataSection();
                    echo $addDataSection;

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