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[英]How to get free space of all logical drives of hard disk using WMI in C++?

I would like to calculate free space of entire hard drive using c++ and WMI.我想使用 c++ 和 WMI 计算整个硬盘的可用空间。

For example.例如。 if HDD contains 3 logical drives say C: , D: , E: and each logical drive has below configuration.如果 HDD 包含 3 个逻辑驱动器,比如 C: , D: , E: 并且每个逻辑驱动器都有以下配置。

drive Total Space Free Space驱动器总空间可用空间

C: 10GB 5 GB D: 20GB 8 GB E: 15GB 7 GB C:10GB 5GB D:20GB 8GB E:15GB 7GB

So I need to fetch the free hard drive space ie free space of all drives C,D and E.所以我需要获取可用硬盘空间,即所有驱动器 C、D 和 E 的可用空间。

SO it should return 5+8+7 = 20 GB.所以它应该返回 5+8+7 = 20 GB。

Also I don't know what all logical drives exists for that Hard drive.我也不知道该硬盘驱动器存在哪些逻辑驱动器。

The non WMI ay is much easier. 非WMI容易得多。

You can use GetLogicalDriveStrings ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364975(v=vs.85).aspx ) to get all the drives in the system. 您可以使用GetLogicalDriveStringshttps://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/aa364975 ( v= GetLogicalDriveStrings ) GetLogicalDriveStrings )来获取系统中的所有驱动器。

Next use GetDiskFreeSpace ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364935(v=vs.85).aspx ) to find the free space of a specific drive. 接下来使用GetDiskFreeSpacehttps://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/aa364935 ( v= GetDiskFreeSpace ) GetDiskFreeSpace )查找特定驱动器的可用空间。

If yo really want to (have to) stick to WMI, the page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa393244(v=vs.85).aspx will give some directions on how to instantiate WMI classes, and you will need to work with the Win32_LogicalDisk ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa394173(v=vs.85).aspx ) class which has a FreeSpace member. 如果您真的想(必须)坚持使用WMI,则页面https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/aa393244(v=vs.85).aspx将提供有关以下方面的说明如何实例化WMI类,您将需要使用Win32_LogicalDiskhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/windows/desktop/aa394173 ( v= Win32_LogicalDisk ) Win32_LogicalDisk )类, FreeSpace成员。

Here is a fully working function which will get you the free space in all drives.这是一个完全可用的 function,它将为您提供所有驱动器中的可用空间。 It generates the result as a CString but of course you can return a number (of bytes).它以 CString 的形式生成结果,但您当然可以返回一个数字(字节数)。

CString GetFreeDiskSpace()
    CString str_result{ L"" };
    DWORD cchBuffer;
    WCHAR stddriveStrings[2048];
    WCHAR *driveSetings = &stddriveStrings[0];
    UINT driveType;
    PWSTR driveTypeString;
    ULARGE_INTEGER freeSpace;

    // Find out the required buffer size that we need
    cchBuffer = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL);

    // Fetch all drive letters as strings 
    GetLogicalDriveStrings(cchBuffer, driveSetings);

    // Loop until we reach the end (by the '\0' char)
    // driveStrings is a double null terminated list of null terminated strings)
    while (*driveSetings)
        // Dump drive information
        driveType = GetDriveType(driveSetings);
        GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(driveSetings, &freeSpace, NULL, NULL);

        switch (driveType)
            case DRIVE_FIXED:
                driveTypeString = L"Hard Drive";

            case DRIVE_CDROM:
                driveTypeString = L"CD/DVD";

            case DRIVE_REMOVABLE:
                driveTypeString = L"Removable";

            case DRIVE_REMOTE:
                driveTypeString = L"Network";

                driveTypeString = L"Unknown";

        str_result.Format(L"%s\n%s - %s - %I64u GB free", 
            str_result, driveSetings, driveTypeString,
            freeSpace.QuadPart / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);

  // Move to next drive string
  // +1 is to move past the null at the end of the string.
        driveSetings += _tcsclen(driveSetings) + 1;

    return str_result;


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