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[英]Generate mock XML file from C# class hierachy

In order to generate UBL-order documents in XML, I have created 44 classes in C# using Xml.Serialization. 为了生成XML格式的UBL顺序文档,我使用Xml.Serialization在C#中创建了44个类。 The class consist of a root class "OrderType" which contains a lot of properties (classes), which again contains more properties. 该类由一个包含许多属性(类)的根类“ OrderType”组成,该属性又包含更多的属性。

In order to test that the classes always will build a XML document that will pass a validation. 为了测试这些类始终会构建一个将通过验证的XML文档。 I want a XML file containing all the possible nodes (at least once) the hierarchy of Classes/Properties can build. 我想要一个XML文件,其中包含所有可能的节点(至少一次),可以构建类/属性的层次结构。

A very reduced code example: 一个简化的代码示例:

public class OrderType
     public DeliveryType Delivery { get; set; }
     //+ 50 more properties
     public OrderType(){}

public class DeliveryType 
     public QuantityType Quantity { get; set; }
     //+ 10 more properties
     public DeliveryType (){}

I have already tried to initialise some properties in some of the constructors and it works fine, but this method would take a whole week to finish. 我已经尝试在某些构造函数中初始化一些属性,并且可以正常工作,但是此方法将需要一整周的时间才能完成。

So! 所以! Is there a smart an quick method to generate a Mock XML document with all properties initialized? 有没有一种聪明的快速方法来生成所有属性都已初始化的Mock XML文档?

It's ok that the outer nodes just are defined eg: < Code /> 可以只定义外部节点,例如:<Code />

Well, sometimes you have to do it on your own: 好吧,有时候您必须自己做:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
namespace extanfjTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            OrderType ouo = new OrderType(DateTime.Now);
            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OrderType));
            FileStream fs = new FileStream("C:/Projects/group.xml", FileMode.Create);
            ser.Serialize(fs, ouo);

        public static void SetProperty(object _object)
            if (_object == null)
            { return; }
            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in _object.GetType().GetProperties())
                if ("SemlerServices.OIOUBL.dll" != prop.PropertyType.Module.Name)
                { continue; }
                if (prop.PropertyType.IsArray)
                    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(prop.PropertyType.GetElementType());
                    Array _array = Array.CreateInstance(prop.PropertyType.GetElementType(), 1);
                    _array.SetValue(instance, 0);
                    prop.SetValue(_object, _array, null);
                    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(prop.PropertyType);
                    prop.SetValue(_object, instance, null);

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