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如何从 json 中获取 int 的实际价值

[英]How to real value for int from json

In my project I have an int jsonobject by 20 value.在我的项目中,我有一个 20 值的int jsonobject To get the int value I used this:为了获得int值,我使用了这个:


Now it returns 0 value for price.现在它返回 0 值的价格。 How can I get real value?我怎样才能获得真正的价值?

Here is My out put Json:这是我的输出 Json:

      "data": [
      "id": "571dd7817f8b9a1c190bbdb5",
      "goods": 0,
      "rate": {
        "r1": 0
      "price": 20

Please look at the example:请看例子:

String jsonData = "{\"count\": 20}";
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonData);
System.out.println("Count: " + obj.getInt("count"));

Your JSON is invalid.您的JSON无效。 you can use online tools like the jsonformatter to test the validity of your JSON .您可以使用jsonformatter等在线工具来测试JSON的有效性。

Maybe try something like:也许尝试这样的事情:

    "data": [
        "id": "571dd7817f8b9a1c190bbdb5",
        "goods": 0,
        "rate": {"r1": 0},
        "price": 20

Looking at your code, you may have better luck with this structure:看看你的代码,你可能对这个结构有更好的运气:

    "id": "571dd7817f8b9a1c190bbdb5",
    "goods": 0,
    "rate": {"r1": 0},
    "price": 20

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