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创建托管表单Dynamics CRM

[英]Create managed form Dynamics CRM

I'm building managed solution and created a new form on account. 我正在构建托管解决方案,并根据帐户创建了一个新表单。 This form is unmanaged and because of that this managed solution can't be deleted from end users crm. 该表格不受管理,因此无法从最终用户crm中删除此托管解决方案。 Is there a possibility to create managed form in dynamics crm? 是否有可能在Dynamics CRM中创建托管表单? I didn't find it in documentation and saw no property in form xml that differ my form from managed ones. 我没有在文档中找到它,也没有看到表单xml中的属性与托管表单不同。 I'm using Dynamics CRM 2016 version. 我正在使用Dynamics CRM 2016版本。

When you are working on your solution in your dev environment, all components will be unmanaged. 当您在开发环境中使用解决方案时,所有组件都将不受管理。 When you export your solution you are given the option of exporting as managed or unmanaged; 导出解决方案时,可以选择导出为托管还是非托管。 choosing managed will result in all components in your solution being managed. 选择托管将导致解决方案中的所有组件都得到托管。

You should distribute the appropriate version based on the need. 您应根据需要分发适当的版本。 For example, to move to a new dev environment, you would import the unmanaged version; 例如,要移至新的开发环境,您将导入非托管版本; when distributing your solution to clients, use the managed version. 在将解决方案分发给客户端时,请使用托管版本。

Any unmanaged component can be deleted from an environment, so if you are unable to delete your managed solution from an environment, it's probably because of something unrelated to the unmanaged form. 可以从环境中删除任何非托管组件,因此,如果无法从环境中删除托管解决方案,则可能是由于某些原因与非托管表单无关。 If the error message you are getting specifically references the unmanaged form, you could be running into a platform bug (we've encountered quite a few when importing/upgrading/deleting managed solutions). 如果您收到的错误消息专门引用了非托管表单,则可能是平台错误(在导入/升级/删除托管解决方案时遇到了很多错误)。

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