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[英]Dynamic Array Size and crashing at getline();

I've been working on a program recently that takes names as inputs and will eventually sort & binary search them. 我最近一直在研究一个程序,该程序将名称作为输入,并将最终对它们进行排序和二进制搜索。 However upon attempting to make the array a dynamic size (that would increase by one with each loop iteration), it ran into various issues. 但是,在尝试使数组具有动态大小(每次循环迭代将增加一个)时,就会遇到各种问题。

I can make the string array composed of 20 elements and the program works, but the extra credit for my assignment is to make it a dynamic size. 我可以使字符串数组由20个元素组成,并且程序可以运行,但是分配给我的额外功劳是使其具有动态大小。 Currently the program crashes without any sort of error code once it reaches "getline(cin, Names[x]);". 目前,程序到达“ getline(cin,Names [x]);”后便崩溃,没有任何错误代码。 I've been searching around and I know it'd be easier to do a vector instead of an array in this case, however I don't believe I'm allowed to use vectors on this assignment. 我一直在搜索,我知道在这种情况下使用向量而不是数组会更容易,但是我不认为可以在此分配中使用向量。

Thanks 谢谢

Original Code 原始码

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void main()
    int x = 0;
    string * Names = new string[x];
    bool NameInputEnd(0);

    cout << "    Enter your names to be sorted\n";
    cout << "To exit just press [Enter] at any time\n";

        cout << x << endl;
        cout << "\n< Name " << (x + 1) << " > = ";

        !!**CRASHES HERE**!!

        getline(cin, Names[x]);

        if (Names[x].empty() || x == 19)
            cout << "\nFinal Name Amount = " << (x + 1) << endl << endl;
            NameInputEnd = 1;


    } while (NameInputEnd == 0);

    delete [] Names;

Changes 变化

int tempsize(1), x(0);
string * Names = new string[tempsize];

}while (NameInputEnd == 0);

An array cannot be resized once it has been created. 数组一旦创建便无法调整大小。 You have to destroy it and create a new array with a copy of the existing data. 您必须销毁它,并使用现有数据的副本创建一个新阵列。 For example: 例如:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

void main()
    int x = 0;
    int capacity = 20;
    string * Names = new string[capacity];
    string Name;

    cout << "    Enter your names to be sorted\n";
    cout << "To exit just press [Enter] at any time\n";

        cout << x << endl;
        cout << "\n< Name " << (x + 1) << " > = ";

        if ((!getline(cin, Name)) || Name.empty())

        if (x == capacity)
            int newCapacity = capacity + 20;
            string *newNames = new string[newCapacity];
            copy(Names, Names + x, newNames);
            delete [] Names;
            Names = newNames;
            capacity = newCapacity;

        Names[x] = Name;
    while (true);

    cout << "\nFinal Name Amount = " << x << endl << endl;

    delete [] Names;

You really should use a std::vector , though: 您确实应该使用std::vector

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void main()
    vector<string> Names;
    string Name;

    Names.reserve(20); // optional

    cout << "    Enter your names to be sorted\n";
    cout << "To exit just press [Enter] at any time\n";

        cout << Names.size() << endl;
        cout << "\n< Name " << (Names.size() + 1) << " > = ";

        if ((!getline(cin, Name)) || Name.empty())

    while (true);

    cout << "\nFinal Name Amount = " << Names.size() << endl << endl;

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