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Web Api Post方法总是接收NULL参数

[英]Web Api Post method is receiving NULL parameter always

I am trying to pass List as a parameter to web Api , Using below code; 我试图将List作为参数传递给web Api,使用下面的代码;

Client Side 客户端

 public async Task<ActionResult>BatchUpdatePartial(MVCxGridViewBatchUpdateValues<NewWorkItem, int> batchValues)

        var updatedItems = new List<NewWorkItem>();

        string url = "http://localhost:9198/api/values";

        foreach (var item in batchValues.Update)
            if (batchValues.IsValid((item)))
                var updatedVals = new NewWorkItem();

                updatedVals.CPK_ID = item.CPK_ID;
                updatedVals.BYR_ID = item.BYR_ID;
                updatedVals.P_ID = item.P_ID;
                updatedVals.CPK_PRI_FLG = item.CPK_PRI_FLG;

                batchValues.SetErrorText(item, "Correct Vallidation Errors");

        using (var client = new WebClient())
            client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
            client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
            string serialisedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updatedItems);
            string response = client.UploadString(url, serialisedData);
            Object result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response);

        return PartialView("_GridViewPartial", NewWorkItem.GridData);

Server Side 服务器端

  public string Post([FromBody]string[] values)
        string seperator = ",";
        string data = string.Join(seperator, values.ToList<string>());
        string result = string.Format("Succesfully uploaded: {0}", data);
        return result;

But I am always getting NULL inside the values at server side ? 但我总是在服务器端的值内获取NULL?

Can you please suggest me solution ? 你能建议我解决方案吗?

Thanks 谢谢

Unfortunately, you are not actually sending a string[] the way your POST method expects. 不幸的是,你实际上并没有像POST方法所期望的那样发送string[] You are sending serializedData , which is, by your own definition, a serialization of updatedItems . 您正在发送serializedData ,它是您自己定义的updatedItems的序列化。 updatedItems is a list of a reference type - you do not provide the definition of it here, but I guarantee you it is not going to serialize the same way a string does. updatedItems是一个引用类型的列表 - 你不在这里提供它的定义,但我保证你不会像字符串那样序列化。

You will need to change updatedItems to be List<string> or something similar. 您需要将updatedItems更改为List<string>或类似的东西。

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