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在剃须刀MVC3页面中调用Partial Aspx

[英]Call Partial Aspx inside razor MVC3 page

i want to call partial ReportViewer.aspx from a page in MVC3 project but the partial cant find the location and show an error like this how can i resolve it? 我想从MVC3项目中的页面调用Partial ReportViewer.aspx,但是部分无法找到位置并显示这样的错误,我该如何解决呢?

Error location didn't show .aspx location in all path 错误位置未在所有路径中显示.aspx位置

the global asax route of my project : 我的项目的全球Asax路线:

    new { controller = "Account", action = "Login", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
    new[] { "ISpace.Controllers" }


routes.MapPageRoute("Test", "Test/{Controller}/{ActionName}", "~/Views/{Controller}/{ActionName}.aspx");

after researching in google and i got this link from stackoverflow it solve my question, i should register viewengine for webform and razor. 在谷歌研究后,我从stackoverflow得到了这个链接,它解决了我的问题,我应该为webform和razor注册viewengine。 here is the code from that link 这是该链接的代码

protected void Application_Start()
        ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());
        ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new WebFormViewEngine());

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