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[英]R plotly specifying custom legend name with color parameter

I am trying to plot using color coding on a value, and changing default legend names. 我试图在值上使用颜色编码,并更改默认图例名称。 Can't seem to get it to work. 似乎无法让它发挥作用。

This code plots what I mainly want: 这段代码描绘了我主要想要的东西:

df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, color = y > 5, mode = 'markers')

Now, I am trying to change the default legend names so they are more explanatory: 现在,我正在尝试更改默认图例名称,以便它们更具说明性:

plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, color = y > 5, mode = 'markers', name = c('Y <= 5', 'y > 5'))

Does not do anything, even though plotly documentation says name is the right way to change the legend name. 什么都不做,即使情节文件说明名称是更改图例名称的正确方法。

I just want the legend names to be more descriptive than simple true and false as they are shown in the plot. 我只是想传说的名字比简单的更具描述性的truefalse ,因为它们在图中显示。

Color by third variable, here added with dplyr . 颜色按第三个变量,这里添加了dplyr

df <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)

df %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(col = ifelse(y >= 5, ">= 5", "< 5")) %>% 
  plot_ly(x = ~x, color = ~col, mode = 'markers') %>% 
  add_markers(y = ~y)


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