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[英]Selecting the last element in a table

I'm creating a small game where I create a table of squares, and the first one to click the bottom left piece loses. 我正在创建一个小游戏,在其中创建了一个正方形表,并且第一个单击左下角的块会丢失。

I'm having an issue regarding editing the bottom left [point: (1,1)] square in my program. 我在程序中编辑左下角[point:(1,1)]正方形时遇到问题。 My objective is to have a green colored square, labeled #poison in my .CSS 我的目标是在我的.CSS中有一个绿色的正方形,标记为#poison

    #poison {
   width: 5em;
   height: 5em;
   padding: 0;
   background-size: 5em 5em;
   background-image: url("http://imgur.com/6Apk8Rk");

appear instead of the regular brown colored squares I am outputting currently. 出现,而不是我当前正在输出的常规棕色正方形。

I'm unsure how to replace the bottom left square with the #poison square. 我不确定如何用#poison广场代替左下角的广场。

Here is the JS function I use to create the table. 这是我用来创建表格的JS函数。

function makeTable(x, y) {
    var gameTable = document.getElementById('gameTable'),
    poison = document.getElementById('poison');

    gameTable.innerHTML = null;
    var table = [];
    //creates rows
    for (let i = 0; i < x; i += 1) {
        var row = document.createElement('tr');
       //appends each row to the table
       //store the amount of iterations in array trow
       var tRow = [];
        table[i] = tRow;
        //create columns (cells)
        for (let j = 0; j < y; j += 1) {
            let cell = document.createElement('td'); //td defines a cell
            //set x,y coordinates
            cell.pos = { x: i, y: j };
            //stores table values into cell
            table[i][j] = cell;

           //if you click the bottom left piece of chocolate..
           if (i === x - 1 && j === 0) {
              cell.onclick = function() {
              //..restart the game
             //else, behave normally
            } else {
            cell.onclick = function() {
            //append cells to the table

Here is relevant HTML by request: 以下是根据要求提供的相关HTML:

    <fieldset id="RowColbox">

   <input name="Cols" id="cols" type="number" value="3"/>

   <input name="Rows" id="rows" type="number" value="4"/>

   <button id="addDimensions" type="button">create</button>

<table id="gameTable"> 


Here is my code in it's entirety. 是我的全部代码。

Assuming that your code is not completed yet, here's a way you can assign id "poison" to a specific cell (ex: {x:1, y:1} ): 假设您的代码尚未完成,您可以通过以下方式为特定单元格分配id“毒药”(例如: {x:1, y:1} ):

//set x,y coordinates
cell.pos = { x: i, y: j };
if(cell.pos.x === 1 && cell.pos.y === 1){
    cell.id = "poison";

Here is a way to add "poison" to bottom left column 这是在左下栏添加“毒药”的方法

if(cell.pos.x === (x-1) && cell.pos.y === 0){
    cell.id = "poison";

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