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这个 javascript 语法有什么问题?

[英]Whats wrong with this javascript syntax?

Below code not working in IE.下面的代码在 IE 中不起作用。 Console shows syntax error.控制台显示语法错误。 Whats wrong with this?这有什么问题?

var text = '{"products":[' +
'{"name":"IB-400","mail":"9000@mail.pl"},' +
var textObj = JSON.parse(text)
var mail = textObj.products.find(itm => itm.name == c).mail
$( ".komunikat" ).replaceWith( '<div class="komunikat-mail"><h1 style="text-align:center;">Contact</h1><p class="komunikat-paragraph">Lorem ipsum  ' + mail +'. Lorem ipsum.</p></div>' );

They syntax error is because you're using an arrow function in a browser that doesn't support them.它们的语法错误是因为您在不支持它们的浏览器中使用了箭头函数。

Change itm => itm.name == c to function ( itm ) { return itm.name == c } .itm => itm.name == c更改为function ( itm ) { return itm.name == c }

or use Babel to transpile ES6 to ES5 for you.或者使用Babel为您将 ES6 转译为 ES5。

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