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[英]Capistrano Multiple Deploy Stages

I have a Rails app and I would like to use Capistrano to deploy two versions: production and staging . 我有一个Rails应用程序,我想使用Capistrano部署两个版本: productionstaging

On my deploy.rb file I have: set :stages, ['staging', 'production'] 在我的deploy.rb文件中,我具有: set :stages, ['staging', 'production']

Then how can I use two paths without overriding them? 那么,如何使用两条路径而不覆盖它们呢?

set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/Sites/staging/myname'

set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/Sites/production/myname'

I've seen this answer but I'd like to keep the command line clean. 我已经看到了这个答案,但是我想保持命令行的干净。

config/deploy/*.rbproduction.rbstaging.rb下创建两个文件,到production.rb添加set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/Sites/production/myname' ,到staging.rb添加set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/Sites/staging/myname'

Don't be lazy and read the Capistrano documentation

Any data from config/deploy.rb can be defined for specific environments in config/deploy/* 可以在config/deploy/*为特定环境定义config/deploy.rb任何数据

example of config/deploy/production.rb config/deploy/production.rb示例

set :stage, :production
set :rails_env, :production
set :branch, "master"

example of config/deploy/staging.rb config/deploy/staging.rb示例

set :stage, :staging
set :rails_env, :staging
set :branch, "staging"

This works for me with two environments from different branchs. 这对我来说适用于来自不同分支的两个环境。 I hope you define the :deploy_to and server url specifically as well. 我希望您也明确定义:deploy_toserver url

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