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更新选定的行JDBC RowSet

[英]Updating selected rows JDBC RowSet

I want to update a record in a database using JDBC RowSet. 我想使用JDBC RowSet更新数据库中的记录。 I first get the required record and then I use updateRow() to update. 我首先获得所需的记录,然后使用updateRow()进行更新。 But it doesn't get reflected on the database. 但是它并没有反映在数据库中。 There are no errors reported. 没有错误报告。

rowSet.setCommand("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE uid="+e.getUid());
rowSet.updateString("name", e.getName());
// More update operations

This example show that you must first move to the changed line using 示例说明您必须先使用转到已更改的行


to update the third row. 更新第三行。

Note also that in Oracle the rowset must be made explicitly updatable 还请注意,在Oracle中 ,必须使行集显式可更新

 rowset.setReadOnly (false);

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