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[英]ConversionInputException on a complex web application

I've got this ConversionInputException when I invoke both execute() or schedule() methods on a specific converter. 当我在特定的转换器上调用execute()schedule()方法时,就遇到了ConversionInputException

I think the code it's correct because if I execute the code as a simple java application it work perfectly with the same file as input. 我认为代码是正确的,因为如果我将代码作为简单的Java应用程序执行,则可以与输入相同的文件完美地工作。

When I deploy the code as a jar and call the code from a complex web application I always had this ConversionInputException . 当我将代码部署为jar并从复杂的Web应用程序调用代码时,我始终会遇到此ConversionInputException

I've also tried with the InputStream insted of File object but I've got the same exception. 我也尝试用File对象的InputStream插入,但是有相同的异常。

I'm able to open the file with MS-Word without any problem, and I also I'm able to convert it in a standalone java application running the same code. 我可以用MS-Word打开文件,没有任何问题,而且我还可以在运行相同代码的独立Java应用程序中对其进行转换。

Here is the code I use 这是我使用的代码

private void convert(File inputFile, File outputFile) {
     boolean conversion=false;
     IConverter converter=com.b80.common.d2.wf.utility.CustomConverter.getInstance().getConverter();
     conversion = converter.convert(inputFile).as(DocumentType.MS_WORD)

And the converter class it's developed as follows - I had to use synchronized methods because that instance of the converter could be accessed by multiple thread on the server: 转换器类的开发如下:我必须使用同步方法,因为可以通过服务器上的多个线程访问该转换器的实例:

import java.io.File;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.documents4j.api.IConverter;
import com.documents4j.job.LocalConverter;

public class CustomConverter {
    private static IConverter converter=null;
    private static final String CONVERSION_FOLDER="E:\\temp\\document4j";

    private static CustomConverter instance = null;
    private CustomConverter() {
      // Exists only to defeat instantiation.
    public static synchronized CustomConverter getInstance() {
      if(instance == null) {
         instance = new CustomConverter();
      return instance;

    public synchronized IConverter getConverter() {
    if(converter==null || !converter.isOperational()) {
        converter=LocalConverter.builder().baseFolder(new File(CONVERSION_FOLDER)).workerPool(20, 25, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
                .processTimeout(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
    return converter;

Here is the StackTrace, obviously the exception is on the convert() function. 这是StackTrace,显然在convert()函数上是例外。

2016-04-28 16:52:21,483 ERROR [STDERR] (http- com.documents4j.throwables.ConversionInputException: The input file seems to be corrupt
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.util.Reaction$ConversionInputExceptionBuilder.make(Reaction.java:159)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.util.Reaction$ExceptionalReaction.apply(Reaction.java:75)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.conversion.ExternalConverterScriptResult.resolve(ExternalConverterScriptResult.java:70)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.conversion.ProcessFutureWrapper.evaluateExitValue(ProcessFutureWrapper.java:48)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.conversion.ProcessFutureWrapper.get(ProcessFutureWrapper.java:36)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.conversion.ProcessFutureWrapper.get(ProcessFutureWrapper.java:11)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at com.documents4j.job.AbstractFutureWrappingPriorityFuture.run(AbstractFutureWrappingPriorityFuture.java:78)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
2016-04-28 16:52:21,484 ERROR [STDERR] (http-    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

I analyzed more deeply the code and added some logs into word_convert.vbs, I obtained an error message like this: 我对代码进行了更深入的分析,并将一些日志添加到word_convert.vbs中,获得了如下错误消息:

Error # 424 Object required

I know it's a little bit generic message, but I hope it could help a little more. 我知道这是一些通用信息,但我希望它可以有所帮助。

I am the author of documents4j and generally, I think this is a user problem as I have run documents4j successfully from many environments and never encountered such a problem. 我是documents4j的作者,通常,我认为这是一个用户问题,因为我已经在许多环境中成功运行documents4j,并且从未遇到过此类问题。

It is difficult to say what the problem is as I do not know what exactly it is that makes your web application complex . 很难说是什么问题,因为我不知道到底是什么使您的Web应用程序变得复杂 As the response suggests that your file is corrupt and since the converter does work without the complex part of your application, I assume that you do corrupt the file at some point. 由于响应表明您的文件已损坏,并且由于转换器可以在没有应用程序复杂部分的情况下正常工作,因此我认为您确实在某个时刻损坏了文件。

What I can suggest you to try for debugging: 我可以建议您尝试调试的内容:

  1. Implement a pseudo converter that only receives the byte array and sends a dummy file back. 实现一个伪转换器,该伪转换器仅接收字节数组并发送回一个伪文件。 Check the received bytes to be equal to the bytes of the original file. 检查接收到的字节等于原始文件的字节。 Maybe you are cutting off some values? 也许您正在切断一些价值?
  2. Reduce your application step-by-step to the simple application that works and see what step in the process breaks your premise. 将您的应用程序逐步简化为可以运行的简单应用程序,并查看过程中的哪一步破坏了您的前提。

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