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[英]Achieve forms in react native

Can we achieve UI like below screenshot in react native, rather forms ? 我们能否以react native而不是形式实现如下截图所示的UI? Are those possible ? 有可能吗?


If you would like to build forms in react native you may use tcomb-form-native . 如果您想在react native中构建表单,则可以使用tcomb-form-native It provides an easy interface to quickly build a form. 它提供了一个简单的界面来快速构建表单。

EDIT: 编辑:

To build the exact same UI, you would have to restrict the widths of the elements using Flexbox . 要构建完全相同的UI,您必须使用Flexbox限制元素的宽度。

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