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如何在SharePoint 2010网站上为预览窗格编写JavaScript / jQuery?

[英]How to write JavaScript/jQuery for preview pane on SharePoint 2010 site?

I have some JavaScript code added to a Content Editor web part to affect the colors of dates that are appearing in a list. 我在内容编辑器Web部件中添加了一些JavaScript代码,以影响列表中显示的日期的颜色。 The list is set up with the preview pane design and there are multiple entries that the javascript code needs to be applied to. 该列表使用预览窗格设计进行设置,并且有多个条目需要应用javascript代码。

The javascript selects the dates and decides if the date needs to be either green, yellow or red based on its relation to today's date. javascript根据与今天日期的关系选择日期并决定日期是绿色,黄色还是红色。 The javascript works correctly on the first entry that appears in the preview pane when loaded but the colors will not change as needed when other entries are selected. javascript在加载时出现在预览窗格中的第一个条目上正常工作,但是当选择其他条目时,颜色不会根据需要更改。 What do I need to add/change in my JavaScript to apply the javascript conditioning to EACH entry individually in the list? 我需要在JavaScript中添加/更改以将javascript条件应用于列表中的每个条目?

Here is what the list looks like on the page: 以下是页面上的列表:

The list on the page 页面上的列表

Here is the JavaScript that is placed inside a Content Editor web part: 以下是放置在Content Editor Web部件中的JavaScript:

<script src="/agencies/wtc/cop/wtctasks/SiteAssets/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script><script>

function ()
       $("div.ms-ppleft table tr td.ms-vb-title").trigger("onfocus");

//Added by Philip Speroni on April 22, 2016 to apply color styling to dates that are within 30 days of the current date


function FormatDates()
var contentTable = document.getElementById("MSO_ContentTable");
var tables = contentTable.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
var formTable;

// find the table we need to work with

for (i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
    if (tables[i].summary.trim() == "Training Records")
        var innerTables = tables[i].getElementsByTagName("TABLE");

        for (j = 0; j < innerTables.length; j++)
            if (innerTables[j].className == "ms-formtable")
                formTable = innerTables[j];


// if we found the correct table, then find the right cells

if (formTable)
    for (i = 0; i < formTable.rows.length; i++)
        var currentRow = formTable.rows[i];

        if (currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "Active Shooter" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "AT Level 1" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "CTIP" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "Cyber Awareness" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "HIPAA" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "No Fear" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "OPSEC" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "OPSEC for SmartPhone's & Tablets" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "Security Orientation/Refresher" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "SHARP" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "SHARP - F2F" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "Social Networking" || currentRow.cells[0].innerText == "TARP")
            //selects the cell data that needs to be styled
            var cellToStyle = currentRow.cells[1];
            var cellContents = cellToStyle.innerText;

            //creates today's date for comparison to the date in the cell
            var today = new Date();
            var todayParsed = Date.parse(today);

            //creates a date out of the date as a string on the page
            var dateToBeStyled = Date.parse(cellContents);

            //finds the difference in milliseconds between the current date and the date in the cell
            var difference = dateToBeStyled - todayParsed;

            //decides whether to apply styling based on if the dates are within 30 days of each other
            if (difference > 2592000000) {
                cellToStyle.style.color = "#009900";


            if (difference < 2592000000 && difference > 259200000) {
                cellToStyle.style.color = "#cda400";
                cellToStyle.style.fontWeight = "bold";

            if (difference < 259200000) {
                cellToStyle.style.color = "#f00";
                cellToStyle.style.fontWeight = "bold";


Thanks so much for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。

One approach might be to set your FormatDates method to fire off whenever the user hovers over an item title. 一种方法可能是将FormatDates方法设置为在用户将鼠标悬停在项目标题上时触发。

var titles = document.querySelectorAll(".ms-vb-title");
for(var i = 0, len = titles.length; i < len; i++){
    var method = titles[i].attachEvent ? "attachEvent" : "addEventListener";
    titles[i][method]((titles[i].attachEvent ? "on" : "")+"mouseenter",FormatDates);

The above code attaches the FormatDates method to the mouseenter event of each item title (assuming the titles are decorated with the CSS class ms-vb-title ). 上面的代码将FormatDates方法附加到每个项目标题的mouseenter事件(假设标题用CSS类ms-vb-title修饰)。

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