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Autofac 无法解析 DbContext

[英]Autofac cannot resolve DbContext

I am receiving this error message from Autofac;:我从 Autofac 收到此错误消息;:

None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'MyService`1[MyContext]' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Cannot resolve parameter 'MyContext context' of constructor 'Void .ctor(MyContext)'.在类型 'MyService`1[MyContext]' 上找到的带有 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' 的构造函数都不能用可用的服务和参数调用:无法解析构造函数 'Void .ctor 的参数 'MyContext context' (MyContext)'。

The error occurs on this line of code (also shown in the code below):错误发生在这行代码上(也显示在下面的代码中):

IMyService myService = container.Resolve<IMyService>();  // error here

I am interested to note that when I include this line in my registrations, everything works:我有兴趣注意到,当我在我的注册中包含这一行时,一切正常:

builder.RegisterSource(new AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource());

The fact that it all works when I register AnyConcreteType... leads me to believe I am not not registering something.当我注册 AnyConcreteType 时,这一切都有效...这一事实让我相信我没有注册某些东西。 My question is what am I not registering?我的问题是我没有注册什么? The error message appears to name MyContext as the culprit but clearly I am registering it as shown below.该错误消息似乎将 MyContext 命名为罪魁祸首,但显然我正在按如下所示进行注册。
I really dont want to use the AnyConcreteType... catch all because I want to explicity register only the the classes I need.我真的不想使用 AnyConcreteType ......因为我只想明确注册我需要的类。

My service is constructed like this:我的服务是这样构建的:

public class MyService<T> : BaseService<T>, IMyService where T:DbContext,IMyContext
    public MyService(T context) : base(context)

MyService derives from BaseService: MyService 派生自 BaseService:

public abstract class BaseService<T> : IDisposable where T:DbContext, IMyContext
    internal T db;

    public BaseService(T context)
        db = context;

MyContext is passed to MyService and is constructed like this: MyContext 传递给 MyService 并构造如下:

public partial class MyContext : DbContext, IMyContext
    public MyContext(INamedConnectionString conn)
        : base(conn.ConnectionString)
        Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

Here is NamedConnectionString这是 NamedConnectionString

public class NamedConnectionString : INamedConnectionString
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

Here is how I register the above:以下是我注册上述内容的方法:

builder.RegisterType<DbContext>(); // is this necessary??

And here is how I call it:我是这样称呼它的:

    var container = builder.Build();
    DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
    INamedConnectionString namedConnectionString = container.Resolve<INamedConnectionString>();
    namedConnectionString.ConnectionString = myConnectionString;
    IMyService myService = container.Resolve<IMyService>();  // error here

Autofac and ASP .Net MVC 4 Web API Autofac 和 ASP .Net MVC 4 Web API

The above thread is related.上面的线程是相关的。 It does not answer the question but it helped me start troubleshooting in the right direction.它没有回答问题,但它帮助我开始朝着正确的方向进行故障排除。 The solution is here:解决方案在这里:

I removed these two lines:我删除了这两行:

builder.RegisterType<DbContext>(); // is this necessary??

and replaced them with this one:并用这个替换它们:


This worked for me这对我有用

builder.RegisterType().As().InstancePerLifetimeScope(); builder.RegisterType().As().InstancePerLifetimeScope();

Got this working by using builder.RegisterType<InventoryContext>().InstancePerLifetimeScope();通过使用builder.RegisterType<InventoryContext>().InstancePerLifetimeScope();得到这个工作. .


I have a DBContext class, I have services that injects the Context and then have Controllers to call the Services (Interface).我有一个 DBContext 类,我有注入上下文的服务,然后有控制器来调用服务(接口)。

And then on global.asax, called the builder.RegisterType<InventoryContext>().InstancePerLifetimeScope();然后在 global.asax 上,调用了builder.RegisterType<InventoryContext>().InstancePerLifetimeScope(); . . This worked well, been a while since I worked with an MVC project again.这很有效,自从我再次使用 MVC 项目以来已经有一段时间了。

If there's anyone having issues with this you can refer to this again.如果有人对此有疑问,您可以再次参考。

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