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在Android selinux中转义冒号字符

[英]Escaping colon character in Android selinux

I'm trying to create a custom selinux policy for my AOSP build wherein untrusted apps can write to /sys/class/leds/led:flash_torch/brightness thereby controlling the flashlight. 我正在尝试为我的AOSP构建创建自定义selinux策略,其中不受信任的应用程序可以写入/sys/class/leds/led:flash_torch/brightness从而控制手电筒。

To do this, I edited the following files in external/sepolicy 为此,我在external/sepolicy编辑了以下文件

domain.te domain.te

allow domain sys_flashlight:file rw_file_perms;

file.te file.te

type sys_flashlight, fs_type;

untrusted_app.te untrusted_app.te

allow untrusted_app sys_flashlight:file rw_file_perms;

Now, the final piece of the puzzle is the file genfs_contexts . 现在,最后一个难题是文件genfs_contexts Ideally, I would want to change this file to contain something like: 理想情况下,我想将此文件更改为包含以下内容:

genfscon proc /sys/class/leds/led:flash_torch/brightness u:object_r:sys_flashlight:s0

First, bear in mind that the above statement is wrong . 首先,请记住上述说法是错误的 genfscon proc is meant to only be used with procfs . genfscon proc仅应与procfs一起使用。 Ignoring that, Since the file path contains the : character, the build process complains by stating: 忽略这一点,由于文件路径包含:字符,因此构建过程会抱怨:

external/sepolicy/genfs_contexts:11:ERROR 'syntax error' at token ':' on line 12972:
genfscon proc /sys/class/leds/led:flash_torch/brightness u:object_r:sysfs_flashlight:s0
genfscon proc /foreground u:object_r:proc_foreground:s0
checkpolicy:  error(s) encountered while parsing configuration
make: *** [out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/sepolicy_intermediates/sepolicy] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

How can I escape the : character while writing the selinux policies? 编写selinux策略时如何转义:字符?

edit : I've already tried quoting the path and using \\ to try and escape the : with no luck 编辑 :我已经尝试引用路径并使用\\来尝试逃脱:没有运气

Looking at the parser statements for checkpolicy: 查看解析器语句中的checkpolicy:

policy_parse.y:139:%token GENFSCON
policy_parse.y:750:genfs_context_def    : GENFSCON filesystem path '-' identifier security_context_def
policy_parse.y:752:         | GENFSCON filesystem path '-' '-' {insert_id("-", 0);} security_context_def
policy_parse.y:754:                        | GENFSCON filesystem path 

We see GENFSCON's path token is what is expanding, which is defined as: 我们看到GENFSCON的路径令牌正在扩展,其定义为:

policy_scan.l:252:"/"({alnum}|[_\.\-/])*            { return(PATH); }

Thus : is not valid in the set. 因此:在集合中无效。

This seems like a bug that the character set does not include these. 字符集不包含这些字符,这似乎是一个错误。

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