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原则缺少“ WHERE”子句

[英]Doctrine missing “WHERE” clause

I'm attempting to move my Behat tests from Jenkins (which builds a server each run), to Docker, so that I can add it to Travis. 我试图将Behat测试从Jenkins(每次运行都会构建一个服务器)移至Docker,以便可以将其添加到Travis。

I've run in to a little problem where the WHERE part of a query isn't being inserted by Doctrine. 我遇到了一个小问题,即Doctrine没有插入查询的WHERE部分。 The DQL output is this: DQL输出是这样的:

SELECT v FROM \Database\Entity\SoftwareVersion v WHERE  ORDER BY v.versionMajor DESC, v.versionMinor DESC, v.versionPatch DESC, v.createdAt DESC

As you can see, nothing between WHERE and ORDER . 如您所见, WHEREORDER之间没有任何关系。

The query builder code looks like this: 查询构建器代码如下所示:

 * Get the criteria array for versions
 * @param SoftwareProduct $product Required. The product to check versions for
 * @param SoftwareOperatingSystem $operatingSystem Required. The operating system you are using.
 * @param string $version Optional. Approximate or exact version to check for. Eg 2.0 Might return 2.0.2
 * @param string $order Should be ASC or DESC. Default: DESC
 * @param int|null $limit How many results you want. Leave blank for all
 * @return SoftwareVersion[]
 * @throws Exception
public function getVersions(
    SoftwareProduct $product,
    SoftwareOperatingSystem $operatingSystem = null,
    $version = null,
    $order = 'DESC',
    $limit = null
) {

    if ($order != 'DESC' && $order != 'ASC') {
        throw new \DomainException("Invalid order '$order'");

    $builder = $this->getEntityManager()

        ->from('\Database\Entity\SoftwareVersion', 'v')
        ->andWhere('v.deletedAt IS NULL')
        ->andWhere($builder->expr()->lt('v.releaseDate', ':releaseDate'))
        ->setParameter('releaseDate', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
        ->andWhere($builder->expr()->eq('v.product', ':product'))
        ->setParameter('product', $product->getId())

    // Anonymous function for simplified code
    $equalIfExists = function ($key, $value) use ($builder) {
        if ($value !== null) {
                ->andWhere($builder->expr()->eq("v.$key", ":$key"))
                ->setParameter($key, $value);

    // OS
    $equalIfExists('operatingSystem', $operatingSystem);

    // Version Number
    $versionObject = $this->stringToVersion($version);
    $equalIfExists('versionMajor', $versionObject->getVersionMajor());
    $equalIfExists('versionMinor', $versionObject->getVersionMinor());
    $equalIfExists('versionPatch', $versionObject->getVersionPatch());

    // Version Meta
        ->andWhere($builder->expr()->like("v.meta", ":meta"))
        ->setParameter('meta', $versionObject->getMeta() ? "{$versionObject->getMeta()}%" : '');

        ->addOrderBy('v.versionMajor', $order)
        ->addOrderBy('v.versionMinor', $order)
        ->addOrderBy('v.versionPatch', $order)
        ->addOrderBy('v.createdAt', $order);

    $query = $builder->getQuery();
    if ($limit) {

    return $query->execute();

I know, it looks pretty complicated, but even if we take the first few lines: 我知道,这看起来很复杂,但是即使我们采用前几行:

    ->from('\Mischief\Database\Entity\SoftwareVersion', 'v')
    ->andWhere('v.deletedAt IS NULL')

It still doesn't work. 它仍然不起作用。

What's more interesting: this code is live and functions as expected. 更有趣的是:该代码是实时的,可以按预期运行。 I've checked the project dependencies are the same. 我检查了项目依赖项是否相同。

The docker file for my PHP container is this: 我的PHP容器的docker文件是这样的:

FROM php:7-fpm

RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql mbstring

I can't see any modules on live that aren't in here. 我看不到现场没有的任何模块。

So where is my WHERE ? 那么我的位置在WHERE :) :)

Please ask if I can offer any more information. 请询问我是否可以提供更多信息。

    ->from('\Database\Entity\SoftwareVersion', 'v')
    ->where('v.deletedAt IS NULL')
    ->andwhere($builder->expr()->lt('v.releaseDate', ':releaseDate'))
    ->andwhere($builder->expr()->eq('v.product', ':product'))
    ->setParameter('releaseDate', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
    ->setParameter('product', $product->getId())

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