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从MS Access导入数据

[英]Importing data from MS Access

Is there a way to export data out of MS Access to another database? 有没有一种方法可以将数据从MS Access导出到另一个数据库? I know data can be exported out of access but I'm looking for a way to once a day pull data out of MS Access tables and upload it into a SQL database like PostgreSQL or MySQL. 我知道数据可以导出而无法访问,但是我正在寻找一种方法,每天从MS Access表中提取数据并将其上载到PostgreSQL或MySQL这样的SQL数据库中。

Never mind I figured it out. 没关系,我想通了。 I used Talend Open Studio for Data Integration. 我使用Talend Open Studio进行数据集成。 It has a connector for Microsoft Access which lets you write to access, create, or read from access. 它具有用于Microsoft Access的连接器,可让您写入访问权限,创建访问权限或从访问权限读取。

You could export from M$ to csv 您可以从M $导出到CSV

then use this command to import the data into postgresql using either pgadmin or plsql 然后使用此命令通过pgadminplsql将数据导入到postgresql中

copy your_created_table FROM '/your/path/to/file.csv' USING DELIMITERS ',' CSV;

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