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[英]Plex using Ansible and Docker

I've been using Plex on my home server for a while and I have bought a few upgrades for my NAS so decided to try to automate a docker setup. 我在家庭服务器上使用Plex已有一段时间了,我为NAS购买了一些升级产品,因此决定尝试自动化Docker设置。 I am completely new to Ansible and only quite simple exposure to Docker. 我对Ansible完全陌生,只是非常简单地接触Docker。 Most things seem to have worked except for the actual Plex deployment. 除了实际的Plex部署以外,大多数事情似乎都起作用了。

I tried adjusting the become paramter in-case this could help, initially I used it for all commands, but I really wasn't sure what I am doing so I have come here. 我尝试调整变为参数的情况,以防万一这有帮助,最初我将其用于所有命令,但是我真的不确定自己在做什么,所以我来了。

The error I am getting is; 我得到的错误是;

Error: Unable to set up server: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database   is locked
Starting Plex Media Server.
6 3000 /config/Library/Application Support

I have checked the file itself on the NAS drive and has the following properties, where Support is the ssh user; 我已经检查了NAS驱动器上的文件本身,并具有以下属性,其中Support是ssh用户;

208 -rwxr-xr-x 1 support root 209920 Apr 30 12:21 com.plexapp.plugins.library.db

And the Playbook I have created is as follows; 我创建的剧本如下:

# Install Docker
- hosts: mediaservers
  remote_user: support
    - { role: angstwad.docker_ubuntu, sudo: yes }

# Mount NAS and create folders
- hosts: mediaservers
  remote_user: support
  become: no
    - name: Install required package
      apt: pkg={{item}} state=installed update-cache=yes
      become: yes
        - cifs-utils
    - name: Upload credentials file
      copy: src=env/.smbcredentials dest=/root/ mode=0700
      become: yes
    - name: Create mount directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01
    - name: mount NAS to fstab
      mount: fstype=cifs name=/mnt/NAS/universe-01 src=// opts="credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,uid=1000" state=mounted
      become: yes

    # Directories to store media files
    - name: Creates tvshow directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01/media/tvshows
    - name: Creates movies directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01/media/movies
    - name: Creates music directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01/media/music
    - name: Creates photos directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01/media/photos

    # Directories to store docker data/config
    - name: Creates plex configuration directory
      file: state=directory path=/mnt/NAS/universe-01/data/docker/plex/config

# Deploy docker images
- hosts: mediaservers
  remote_user: support
  become: no
    - name: Create Plex docker image
      become: yes
        name: plex
        hostname: plex
        image: linuxserver/plex
        pull: missing
        state: started
        restart_policy: always
        - "32400:32400"
        - "32400:32400/udp"
        - "32469:32469"
        - "32469:32469/udp"
        - "5353:5353/udp"
        - "1900:1900/udp"
        volumes: [
          VERSION: latest
          PGID: 999
          PUID: 1000

I had similar errors when using Docker on Windows . 在Windows上使用Docker时,我遇到了类似的错误。 For me the problem was that I was assigning wrong PUID and PGID to the plex container I was using. 对我来说,问题是我向使用的plex容器分配了错误的PUID和PGID。 Once I assigned the proper id, the server ran without any errors. 分配正确的ID后,服务器即可正常运行。

Not exactly your problem, but I hope this helps. 不完全是您的问题,但我希望这会有所帮助。

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