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[英]How to define a function inside angular ui modal controller

I try to define a function inside angular ui modal controller by default a found the two function $scope.ok and the $scope.cancel and I want to add my function that remove an item form a list of items that a send to that controller This my angular ui modal controller code : 我尝试在默认情况下在angular ui模态控制器中定义一个函数,发现了两个函数$ scope.ok和$ scope.cancel,我想添加我的函数,该函数删除从发送到该控制器的项目列表中的项目这是我的角度ui模态控制器代码:

myapp.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', function ($scope,$location,$uibModalInstance, items) {

      $scope.items = items;
      $scope.selected = {
        item: $scope.items[0]

      $scope.ok = function () {
      $scope.closeListeChoix = function () {

      $scope.cancel = function () {

          $scope.items.splice($index, 1);

and here where I send the liste of items to modal controller 在这里我将项目清单发送给模态控制器

        $scope.openListeChoix = function ($index) {
            $scope.ListeChoixOneQuestion=$scope.questions[$index].choix ;
            console.log("*********** choix de la question **********")
             for(var i=0;i<$scope.ListeChoixOneQuestion.length;i++){
                 console.log("choix : "+$scope.ListeChoixOneQuestion[i].designation);
            var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
              animation: $scope.animationsEnabled,
              templateUrl: 'listeOfChoix.html',
              controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
              resolve: {
                items: function () {
                  return $scope.ListeChoixOneQuestion;

and this my html code when i call the function deleteChoix in my ng-click nothing happen and the item did not remove from the list of items any solution 当我在ng-click中调用函数deleteChoix时,这是我的html代码,什么也没有发生,并且该项目没有从项目列表中删除任何解决方案

 <div class="modal-body">
                  <div class="row">
                       <div class="table-responsive">
                            <table id="Table2" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                                        <th>Aller à la question</th>
                                    <tr ng-repeat="choix in items track by $index">
                                        <td class="text-center" style="width: 50px;">
                                            <span class="btn btn-danger btn-xs fa fa-remove" style="cursor: pointer;" ng-click="deleteChoix($index);"></span>

As said in comment the short solution is 正如评论中所说,短期解决方案是


It is a scope problem du to limit of inheritancy in Javascript. 这是一个限制Java继承的范围问题。
If you don't want to have this problem, always use an inermediary object like : 如果您不想遇到此问题,请始终使用以下中介对象:

 $scope.context = {};// NEVER forget to initialize it in your controller or it won't work even if you don't put anything in at the start.
 $scope.context.deleteChoix = [...]; 

So you won't need to wonder if you should use $parent or even $parent.$parent . 因此,您无需怀疑应该使用$parent还是$parent.$parent

Check http://zcourts.com/2013/05/31/angularjs-if-you-dont-have-a-dot-youre-doing-it-wrong/ for more information. 有关更多信息,请访问http://zcourts.com/2013/05/31/angularjs-if-you-dont-have-a-dot-youre-doing-it-wrong/

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