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[英]Python append excel sheet from another workbook xlwt

I have read almost all the questions posted but still can't find any solution for it.我已经阅读了几乎所有发布的问题,但仍然找不到任何解决方案。

I have wb1.xls and wb2.xls.我有 wb1.xls 和 wb2.xls。

All I want is to create wb3 with wb1.xls in sheet 1 and wb2 in sheet 2 but I can't seem to figure out .. Any help ?我想要的只是在工作表 1 中使用 wb1.xls 创建 wb3,在工作表 2 中使用 wb2 创建 wb3,但我似乎无法弄清楚.. 有什么帮助吗?

import xlwt
import xlrd
import glob, os
import numpy as np
from xlutils.copy import copy


wb1=[file for file in glob.glob("wb1*")]
wb2=[file for file in glob.glob("wb2*")]

s1 = xlrd.open_workbook(filename = wb1[0])
s2 = xlrd.open_workbook(filename = wb2[0])


And I'm stuck here.... Any idea ?我被困在这里......知道吗? Note I'm working with xls not xlsx.注意我正在使用 xls 而不是 xlsx。

It would depend on the original workbooks.这将取决于原始工作簿。 Are there any formulae that need to be transferred?有什么公式需要转吗? Per cell formatting, fonts, styles, highlights, etc?每个单元格的格式、字体、样式、突出显示等? If it is just raw data it is simple enough.如果它只是原始数据,那就足够简单了。

import xlrd
import xlwt

# open first excel file, store number of rows,cols and sheet name
wb_1 = open_workbook("file1.xls")
sheet_1 = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
maxRows_1 = sheet_1.nrows
maxCols_1 = sheet_1.ncols
sName_1 = sheet_1.name

i = 0
j = 0

# create output excel file
wb_out = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet_out_1 = wb_out.add_sheet(sName_1)

# Loop through writing each cell value
while i<maxRows_1:
    while j<maxCols_1:
        sheet_out_1.write(i,j, sheet_1.cell(i,j).value)
        j += 1
    j = 0
    i += 1

# repeat for second excel file
# then save your new excel 


This will work as long as you are not concerned with styles and highlights ect.只要您不关心样式和亮点等,这就会起作用。

This does not handle dates as excel stores them as floats.这不会处理日期,因为 excel 将它们存储为浮点数。 If you need to handle dates you will need to parse them.如果您需要处理日期,则需要解析它们。 Consider this to help with them.考虑这个来帮助他们。


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