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[英]Paypal Payment Data Transfer in Sandbox not Redirecting Correctly

I implemented a chained payment which is working perfectly well in the sandbox. 我实施了链式付款,在沙盒中效果很好。 However, I wanted to use Payment Data Transfer https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/products/payment-data-transfer/ instead of IPN since the user should be redirected directly and see the status of his payment. 但是,我想使用付款数据传输 https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/products/payment-data-transfer/代替IPN,因为应该直接重定向用户并查看其付款状态。 IPN is working fine, however, the redirect url is called without the needed parameter. IPN正常运行,但是,调用重定向URL时不需要使用所需参数。

I've done the following to activate PDT 我已完成以下操作来激活PDT

  • activated automated redirect 激活的自动重定向
  • set my redirect url 设置我的重定向网址
  • activated payment data transfer 激活的支付数据传输

The credentials I use are maintained in the developer area > sandbox accounts 我使用的凭据保存在开发人员区域>沙箱帐户中

For my payment I have to pass a redirect url as parameter since it cannot be null. 对于我的付款,我必须将重定向网址作为参数传递,因为它不能为null。 This is the url which is called after my payment. 这是我付款后调用的网址。 However, it's not called directly and it's missing the parameter for the payment key. 但是,它不是直接调用的, 并且缺少付款密钥的参数。


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