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[英]How to use mappedBy with more than one value JPA

I have 2 tables: Currency and Rate 我有2张桌子:货币和汇率

The currency's primary key is referenced by the inputCurrency and outputCurrency foreigh keys in the Rate. 币种的主键由“费率”中的foreigh键的inputCurrency和outputCurrency引用。

How can I map these in order to cascadeALL? 我如何映射这些以便进行层叠?

I tried in Rate (the table that contains the foreigh keys) 我在Rate(包含foreigh键的表)中尝试过

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "INPUT_CURRENCY")
private Currency inputCurrency;

@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "OUTPUT_CURRENCY")
private Currency ouputCurrency;

But if I delete an item from currency It results a primary key violation.I can't remove a Currency becouse it is referenced by inputCurrency or outputCurrency in Rate. 但是,如果我从货币中删除项目,则会导致主键冲突。我无法删除货币,因为它由Rate中的inputCurrency或outputCurrency引用。

If I want to annotate the list of rates in Currency, how can I say mappedBy = "inputCurrency" and "outputCurrency" ? 如果要注释货币中的汇率列表,我怎么能说mapledBy =“ inputCurrency”和“ outputCurrency”?

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy ="inputCurrency,outputCurrency")
List<Rate> rates;

The solution is using two list of rates in Currency: one for the fk inputCurrency and another for the fk outputCurrency 解决方案是使用两种汇率列表:一种用于fk inputCurrency,另一种用于fk outputCurrency

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy ="inputCurrency")
List<Rate> ratesIC;

@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy ="outputCurrency")
List<Rate> ratesOC;

You can settle with two collections: 您可以选择以下两个集合:

List<Rate> inputRate;

List<Rate> outputRate;

Each with a corresponding mappedBy 每个都有一个对应的mappedBy

and a third @Transient List<Rate> rates; 第三个@Transient List<Rate> rates;

You can use a @PostLoad event to unite the two persistent lists into the transient one. 您可以使用@PostLoad事件将两个持久列表组​​合成一个临时列表。

And similarly, when adding/removing elements to one of the persistent lists, make sure to add/remove from the joint list. 同样,将元素添加到持久列表之一或从其中删除时,请确保从联合列表中添加/删除。

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