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Ja茉莉角错误:[$ injector:nomod]

[英]Karma Jasmine Angular Error: [$injector:nomod]

Short version: When I run karma, angular is telling me it cannot inject my 'common' module. 简短版本:运行业力时,angular告诉我它无法注入“通用”模块。 The actual error is: 实际错误是:

Error: [$injector:nomod] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.5/$injector/nomod?p0=common

Here's the details: 详细信息如下:

My Karma test.js 我的业力test.js

"use strict";

describe('Testing ModuleToTest',function(){

    var $scope = {};
    var factory = {...make up stuff...}

    // inject - access angular controller 
        $scope = $rs.$new();

    it('should define a someStuff object',function(){

My ModuleToTest definition: 我的ModuleToTest定义:

module.js file: module.js文件:


controller.js file: controller.js文件:

    $scope.someStuff = ['foo','bar'];

The module that defines the CommonFactory : 定义CommonFactory的模块:

module.js file: module.js文件:


CommonFactory.js CommonFactory.js

   // do factory stuff here

Application module defintion, app.js: 应用程序模块定义,app.js:

angular.module('MyMainApp',['ModuleToTest', ... , 'common']);

karma.config.js: karma.config.js:

// frameworks to use
// available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter
frameworks: ['jasmine'],//'requirejs'],

// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
  {pattern: 'js/vendor/angular/*.js'},
  {pattern: 'js/common/*.js'},
  {pattern: 'moduleToTest/js/*.js'},
  {pattern: 'moduleToTest/*.html'},
  {pattern: 'js/*.js'},
  {pattern: 'index.html'},
  {pattern: 'test/test.js'}

// list of files to exclude
exclude: [

Quick caveate: MyMainApp works as I expect it to. 快速警告:MyMainApp可以正常运行。 I am just beginning to use Karma to build unit tests for my applications modules. 我刚刚开始使用Karma为我的应用程序模块构建单元测试。 Eventually I will build the unit tests for MyMainApp, but I'm trying to start small. 最终,我将为MyMainApp构建单元测试,但我尝试从小做起。

Any suggestions or clarifications are welcome, in addition to answers! 除了答案,任何建议或澄清都欢迎! Thank you! 谢谢!

UPDATE : After helpful responses (thank you by the way!) In short, I'm getting the same error, but I've tried to simplify the problem. 更新 :经过有用的答复(谢谢您!)总之,我遇到了相同的错误,但是我试图简化问题。

I removed any mention of 'common' from my ModuleToTest. 我从ModuleToTest中删除了对“ common”的任何提及。 And Karma is still complaining about 'common'. Karma仍在抱怨“常见”。 Here's the details: 详细信息如下:

My Karma test.js 我的业力test.js

"use strict";

describe('Testing ModuleToTest',function(){
    var testScope = {};



            testScope = $rootScope.$new();
                $scope: testScope

    // No it statement for now because the module won't even load

My ModuleToTest definition: 我的ModuleToTest定义:

module.js file ( notice no reference to CommonFactory ): module.js文件( 注意未引用CommonFactory ):


controller.js file ( notice the removal of CommonFactory ): controller.js文件( 注意CommonFactory的删除 ):

    $scope.someStuff = ['foo','bar'];

ANSWER : Given the simplified version, the solution was to put angular-mocks.js after angular.min.js in the karma.conf.js file. :考虑到简化版本,该解决方案是把角mocks.jskarma.conf.js文件angular.min.js后。

I hope this saves somebody else the trouble. 我希望这可以省去别人的麻烦。

You should have "common" as a dependency to "ModuleToTest" as that is where its components are used, ie 您应该将“ common”作为对“ ModuleToTest”的依赖项,因为这是使用其组件的位置,即

angular.module('ModuleToTest', ['common']);

For your test, you should really be creating a mock CommonFactory for complete collaborator isolation. 为了进行测试,您实际上应该创建一个模拟CommonFactory来完全隔离协作者。

describe('Testing ModuleToTest', function() {
    var testScope, CommonFactory;

    beforeEach(function() {
        CommonFactory = {}; // or whatever mock implementation you need


        inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
            testScope = $rootScope.$new();
            $controller('ModuleToTestCtrl', {
                $scope: testScope,
                CommonFactory: CommonFactory

    // specs go here

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