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使用 Boto3 将文件上传到带有前缀的 S3 存储桶

[英]Uploading a file to a S3 bucket with a prefix using Boto3

I am attempting to upload a file into a S3 bucket, but I don't have access to the root level of the bucket and I need to upload it to a certain prefix instead.我正在尝试将文件上传到 S3 存储桶,但我无权访问存储桶的根级别,我需要将其上传到某个前缀。 The following code:以下代码:

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
open('/tmp/hello.txt', 'w+').write('Hello, world!')
s3_client.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', bucket_name, prefix+'hello-remote.txt')

Gives me an error:给我一个错误:

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied: ClientError Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/tracker.py", line 1009, in testHandler s3_client.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', bucket_name, prefix+'hello-remote.txt') File "/var/runtime/boto3/s3/inject.py", line 71, in upload_file extra_args=ExtraArgs, callback=Callback) File "/var/runtime/boto3/s3/transfer.py", line 641, in upload_file self._put_object(filename, bucket, key, callback, extra_args) File "/var/runtime/boto3/s3/transfer.py", line 651, in _put_object **extra_args) File "/var/runtime/botocore/client.py", line 228, in _api_call return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs) File "/var/runtime/botocore/client.py", line 492, in _make_api_call raise ClientError(parsed_response, operation_name) ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied

bucket_name is in the format abcd while prefix is in the format a/b/c/d/ . bucket_name的格式为abcdprefix的格式为a/b/c/d/ I'm not sure if the error is due to the slashes being wrong or if there's some way you can specify the prefix elsewhere, or if I don't have write permissions (although I supposedly do).我不确定该错误是否是由于斜杠错误造成的,或者是否有某种方法可以在其他地方指定前缀,或者我没有写权限(尽管我应该这样做)。

This code executes without any errors:此代码执行时没有任何错误:

for object in output_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix):

Although there is no output as the bucket is empty.虽然没有输出,因为桶是空的。

I'm assuming you have all this set up:我假设你已经设置了所有这些:

  1. AWS Access Key ID and Secret Key set up (typically stored at ~/.aws/credentials AWS 访问密钥 ID 和秘密密钥设置(通常存储在~/.aws/credentials
  2. You have access to S3 and you know your bucket names & prefixes (subdirectories)您有权访问 S3 并且知道您的存储桶名称和前缀(子目录)

According to the Boto3 S3 upload_file documentation , you should upload your upload like this:根据Boto3 S3 upload_file文档,您应该像这样上传您的上传:

upload_file(Filename, Bucket, Key, ExtraArgs=None, Callback=None, Config=None)

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.meta.client.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', 'mybucket', 'hello.txt')

The key to note here is s3.meta.client .这里要注意的关键是s3.meta.client Don't forget that--it worked for me!不要忘记——它对我有用!

I hope that helped.我希望这有帮助。

Turns out I needed SSE:原来我需要SSE:

transfer = S3Transfer(s3_client)
transfer.upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', bucket_name, prefix+'hello-remote.txt', extra_args={'ServerSideEncryption': "AES256"})
import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.meta.client.upload_file( 'csv1.csv', "bucketname", "prefixna/csv1.csv")

Below is an alternative to John Adjei's answer.以下是 John Adjei 答案的替代方案。 This is also taken from the Boto3 S3 upload_file documentation .这也取自Boto3 S3 upload_file 文档 Because the Client is low-level (low abstraction / closer to machine code) it can improve performance - especially if you a dealing with Big Data.因为客户端是低级的(低抽象/更接近机器代码),它可以提高性能 - 特别是如果您处理大数据。

import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
with open("FILE_NAME", "rb") as f:
    s3.upload_fileobj(f, "BUCKET_NAME", "OBJECT_NAME")

Here is my answer:这是我的回答:

import boto3

s3_client = boto3.client(service_name='s3', region_name='ap-southeast-1',

dest_bucket = 'data-lake'
dest_prefix = 'datamart/my_file_name/'

file_name = 'my_file_name'+ '.parquet'

s3.meta.client.delete_object(Bucket=dest_bucket,Key=dest_prefix + file_name)

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