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[英]Unable to log into TFS2015 from web or VS2015

  • Server O/S: windows Server 2008 R2 x64 服务器操作系统:Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
  • TFS: TFS 2015.1 TFS:TFS 2015.1
  • VS: VS2015.2 VS:VS2015.2

Brand new install of Server and TFS. 全新安装的Server和TFS。 Unable to connect to the web admin portal for TFS using http://{server}:18080/tfs. 无法使用http:// {server}:18080 / tfs连接到TFS的Web管理门户。 What happens is that it pops up a username and password box and does not allow for authentication from outside the server or on the server itself. 发生的是,它弹出一个用户名和密码框,并且不允许从服务器外部或服务器本身进行身份验证。 According to the Application Tier the notification and web access url are both the server name and not my FQDN for access outside the router. 根据应用层,通知和Web访问URL既是服务器名称,也不是我在路由器外部进行访问的FQDN。 And the server URL is localhost. 服务器URL是localhost。

Where can I add user accounts so they can hit the Web Access as well as from VS? 我在哪里可以添加用户帐户,以便他们既可以访问Web访问又可以访问VS?

Update 1 更新1

I can now login using http://localhost:18080/tfs from the server itself. 现在,我可以从服务器本身使用http:// localhost:18080 / tfs登录。 However when I try to log in using http://{machine name}:18080/tfs , I get a user login prompt that will not log me in. 但是,当我尝试使用http:// {machine name}:18080 / tfs登录时,出现一个用户登录提示,该提示将无法登录。

Well,... I finally found out why it was not authenticating... and I kicked my self for not checking this earlier. 好吧,...我终于发现了为什么它不进行身份验证...,并且我踢了自己,因为没有更早进行检查。

Seems that when I did an install of 2008 R2, the user account did not have a password set for it and I over looked it (what happens at 0300 in the morning). 似乎当我安装2008 R2时,该用户帐户没有设置密码,因此我对此进行了查找(上午0300发生了什么情况)。 Set the password and now EVERYTHING works the way it is supposed to be. 设置密码后,一切将按预期方式进行。

TFS uses Windows Integrated Authentication, so, if your server is joined to an Active Directory domain, you must use account from that (or a trusted) domain. TFS使用Windows集成身份验证,因此,如果您的服务器已加入Active Directory域,则必须使用该(或受信任)域中的帐户。 If your server is not joined, known as Workgroup mode, then you have to create user locally. 如果未加入服务器(称为工作组模式),则必须在本地创建用户。

TFS is pretty agnostic on the URL, so that is usually not an issue (you can even use IP address). TFS在URL上是不可知的,因此通常不是问题(您甚至可以使用IP地址)。

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