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[英]Checking if arraylist object exists

Well, my question is this. 好吧,我的问题是这个。

My class Message contains: - id - message - [User] 我的班级消息包含:-id-消息-[用户]

My class User contains: - id - name 我的班级用户包含:-id-名称

This is how I add info to my arrayList: http://pastebin.com/99ZhFASm 这是将信息添加到arrayList的方式: http ://pastebin.com/99ZhFASm

I have a arrayList wich contain id, message, User. 我有一个包含ID,消息,用户的arrayList。

I want to know if my arrayList already contain the id of "user" 我想知道我的arrayList是否已经包含“用户”的ID

Note: already tried with arraylist.contains 注意:已经尝试使用arraylist.contains

(Android) (Android)

Since you have object Message which has unique identifier ( id ), don't place it in ArrayList , use HashMap or HashSet . 由于您有对象Message具有唯一的标识符( id ),因此请不要将其放在ArrayList ,请使用HashMapHashSet But first, you need to create methods equal() and hashCode() in that object: 但是首先,您需要在该对象中创建equal()和hashCode()方法:

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

    Message message = (Message) o;

    return id == message.id;


public int hashCode() {
    return id;

in this way, you can use advantages of map and set. 这样,您可以利用地图和集合的优势。 So, do this: 因此,请执行以下操作:

User user = new User();

Message msg = new Message();

HashMap<Integer, Message> map = new HashMap<>();                 
map.add(new Integer(msg.getId()), msg);

boolean isItInMapById = map.containsKey(new Integer(10));
boolean isItInMapByObject = map.containsValue(msg);

If you need ArrayList of Messages, just do this: 如果您需要消息的ArrayList ,只需执行以下操作:

ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>(map.values());

You can also get list of ids if you need it: 如果需要,您还可以获取ID列表:

List<Set<Integer>> idList = Arrays.asList(map.keySet());
arrayList.stream().anyMatch(item.id == user.id)

If you're using Java 8, you can write code that looks like this: 如果您使用的是Java 8,则可以编写如下代码:

ID theIdWeAreMatchingAgainst = /*Whatever it is*/;
boolean alreadyHasId = 
    .anyMatch(m -> m.getId() == theIdWeAreMatchingAgainst);

And if you actually need the message[-s] that has that ID, 如果您确实需要具有该ID的消息,

Message[] msgs = 
    .filter(m -> m.getId() == theIdWeAreMatchingAgainst)
Message msg = msgs[0];

If you're using Java 7-, you'll have to do it the old way: 如果您使用的是Java 7-,则必须采用旧方法:

public static List<Message> getMessage(ID id, List<Message> list) {
    List<Message> filtered = new ArrayList<Message>();
    for(Message msg : list) {
        if(msg.getId() == theIdWeAreMatchingAgainst) filtered.add(msg);
    return filtered;

So your question and your code don't seem to correspond to one another. 因此,您的问题和代码似乎并不对应。 You have an ArrayList of Messages, where Messages contains an ID, a message String, and a user Object. 您具有消息的ArrayList,其中消息包含ID,消息字符串和用户对象。 You are applying an ID to that Message, as well as another ID to the User. 您正在为该消息应用一个ID,并为用户应用另一个ID。 You want to make sure that the ArrayList has a match to the ID, there are two ways of doing this. 您要确保ArrayList与ID匹配,可以通过两种方法进行。

You could do something like this 你可以做这样的事情

boolean matchMessageId = true;
int idToMatch = [some_id];
for(Message message : arrayList){
    int currId = matchMessageId? mesage.id: message.user.id;

    if(currId == idToMatch){
        return true;
return false;

This, however, seems like something that would be better suited for something like a HashMap or SparseArray potentially. 但是,这似乎更适合于HashMap或SparseArray之类的东西。

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