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Excel VBA宏复制/粘贴具有动态范围的静态范围

[英]Excel VBA Macro Copy/Paste static range with dynamic range

Good morning everyone. 大家,早安。

I am not to active on here but here is a project I am working on (it's a lot of search, copy, paste, try, edit, repeat) - 我不是在这里活跃,但这是我正在进行的项目(这是很多搜索,复制,粘贴,尝试,编辑,重复) -

It's a table with Multiple columns built like this: 这是一个包含多列的表,如下所示:

Col 1 | Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 2 | Col 3 | Col 3 | Col 4 | Col 4 | ... | ...... | Col i Col i

Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| ... | ...... | Row 1 第1行

Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| ... | ...... | Row 2 第2行

... ...

Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | ... | ...... | Row n 行n

Sub CopySubsectionToTable()

Dim CFsh As Worksheet
Dim lastcol As Integer
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As Word.Document
Dim IDQRange As Range
Dim AnswRange As Range
Dim FWTable As Range

Set CFsh = Sheets("ConsumerFireworks")

'Finding CFsh Array's end boundaries
lastcol = CFsh.Cells(4, CFsh.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastrow = CFsh.Cells(CFsh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set IDQRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, 1), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, 2))

'Optimize Code
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

'Set Destination To Word Document
Set WordApp = CreateObject(class:="Word.Application")
    WordApp.Visible = True
Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add

'Copy Tables

For i = 4 To lastcol
Set AnswRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, i), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, i))
Set FWTable = Range(IDQRange, AnswRange)

FWTable.Resize(, i).Copy

If i > 4 Then WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak

    WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).Paste

    'Feeble attempt to hide coppied cells
    CFsh.Columns(i).Hidden = True

Next i

CFsh.Columns.Hidden = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set AppWord = Nothing

End Sub

The result looks like this 结果看起来像这样

Column 1 | 第1栏| Column 2| 第2栏| Column 3 | 第3栏| Column i 专栏i

Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 第1行

Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 第2行

... ...

Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n 行n

page break 分页符

Column 1 | 第1栏| Column 2| 第2栏| Column 3 | 第3栏| Column i 专栏i

Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 | 第1行| Row 1 第1行

Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 | 第2行| Row 2 第2行

... ...

Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n | 行n | Row n 行n

page break 分页符

repeats to i 重复我

Why is it copy/pasting column 3? 为什么要复制/粘贴第3列? I'd like it to skip through the massive table, keep the col 1, col 2, and then take every column after column 3 to make a table between each page break. 我希望它跳过大表,保留col 1,col 2,然后在第3列之后的每一列中在每个分页符之间创建一个表。

Any help or direction would be appreciated. 任何帮助或方向将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!


Here is a control I am running - 这是我正在运行的控件 -

Sub CopySubsectionToTable()

Dim CFsh As Worksheet
Dim lastcol As Integer
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim WordApp As Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As Word.Document
Dim IDQRange As Range
Dim AnswRange As Range
Dim FWTable As Range
Dim CFTables As Range

Set CFsh = Sheets("ConsumerFireworks")

'Finding CFsh Array's end boundaries
lastcol = CFsh.Cells(4, CFsh.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastrow = CFsh.Cells(CFsh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set IDQRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, 1), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, 2))

'Optimize Code
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

'Set Destination To Word Document
Set WordApp = CreateObject(class:="Word.Application")
    WordApp.Visible = True
Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Add

'Copy Tables

'For i = 4 To lastcol
i = 4
Set AnswRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, i), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, i))
Set FWTable = Range(IDQRange, AnswRange)
Set CFTables = Union(IDQRange, AnswRange)
MsgBox ("CFTables is " & CFTables.Address)

'FWTable.Resize(, i).Copy

If i > 4 Then WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak

    WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).Paste
    'typical location for copypaste error

    'Feeble attempt to hide coppied cells
    CFsh.Columns(i).Hidden = True

'Next i

CFsh.Columns.Hidden = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set AppWord = Nothing

End Sub

Setting the CFTables Union gives me the correct address ie $A$1:$B$50,$D$1:$D$50 设置CFTables Union给我正确的地址,即$ A $ 1:$ B $ 50,$ D $ 1:$ D $ 50

Aside from the copy paste error with teh clipboard I aim to clean up later, it pastes teh one table into word with Column C! 除了复制粘贴错误与teh剪贴板我打算稍后清理,它粘贴一个表与C列的单词!

I suspect this is the culprit 我怀疑这是罪魁祸首

WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).Paste

UPDATE#2 更新#2

Well *#$& ME, I select the ranges manually and paste them into word and it does the same thing. 好吧*#$&ME,我手动选择范围并将它们粘贴到word中,它也会做同样的事情。

Here is a code snippet which simplifies your problem 这是一个代码片段,可以简化您的问题

Sub Test()

Set rangeA = Range("A1:B2")
Set rangeB = Range("D1:D2")

Set rangeC = Range(rangeA, rangeB)
MsgBox ("rangeC is " & rangeC.Address)

Set rangeD = Union(rangeA, rangeB)
MsgBox ("rangeD is " & rangeD.Address)

End Sub 

Like you it creates two ranges which aren't next to each other then it attempts to join the two. 像你一样,它会创建两个彼此不相邻的范围,然后它会尝试加入这两个范围。

If you just use rangeC=range(rangeA,rangeB) it creates a range from the start of rangeA to the end of range B ("A1:D2") 如果你只使用rangeC = range(rangeA,rangeB),它会创建一个范围,从rangeA的开头到范围B的结尾(“A1:D2”)

if you use rangeD=union(rangeA,rangeB) it creates a non continuous range of the two combined ("A1:B2,D1:D2"). 如果使用rangeD = union(rangeA,rangeB),则会创建两个组合的非连续范围(“A1:B2,D1:D2”)。

then you won't get column C included. 那么你就不会得到C栏。

Finished it, it works but has a few kinks if you run it more than once without closing out. 完成它,它可以工作,但如果你运行它不止一次没有关闭,有一些扭结。

Sub PrinttoWord() 'this macro prints the excel table of fireworks to a word document, currently formatting works up through most of the tables. Sub PrinttoWord()'此宏将excel烟花表打印到word文档,当前格式化通过大多数表格进行。 Formatting breaks at fountains 在喷泉处格式化中断

   'Dim Selection As Excel.Application
   Dim CFsh As Worksheet
   Dim Traffic As Worksheet
   Dim Template As Range
   Dim lastcol As Integer
   Dim lastrow As Integer
   Dim lastcolT As Integer
   Dim lastrowT As Integer
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim WordApp As Word.Application
   Dim WordDoc As Word.Document
   Dim WordCont As Range
   Dim strFWDoc As String
   Dim IDQRange As Range
   Dim AnswRange As Range
   Dim FWTable As Range
   Dim CFTables As Range
   Dim DevDef As Range
   Dim Defbox As Range
   Dim j As Integer

   Set CFsh = Sheets("ConsumerFireworks")
   Set Traffic = Sheets("Traffic")

   'Finding CFsh Array's end boundaries
   lastcol = CFsh.Cells(4, CFsh.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
   lastrow = CFsh.Cells(CFsh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

   'Optimize Code
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Application.EnableEvents = False

   'Copy Tables
   For i = 3 To lastcol
   'i = 4 'control

   Set IDQRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, 1), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, 2))
   Set AnswRange = CFsh.Range(CFsh.Cells(4, i), CFsh.Cells(lastrow, i))

   Set FWTable = Range(IDQRange, AnswRange)
   Set CFTables = Union(IDQRange, AnswRange)


   'Finding Traffic Array's end boundaries

   'MsgBox ("CFTables is " & CFTables.Address) examination

   Traffic.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
   Application.CutCopyMode = False

   lastcolT = Traffic.Cells(1, Traffic.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
   lastrowT = Traffic.Cells(Traffic.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

   Set Template = Traffic.Range(Traffic.Cells(1, 1), Traffic.Cells(lastrowT, lastcolT))
   Template.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="<>#N/A", Operator:=xlFilterValues
   ' Merge Device Definition
   Set DevDef = Traffic.Range("B1")
   Set Dev = Traffic.Cells(1, 3)
   Set Defbox = Traffic.Range(DevDef, Dev)

       With Defbox
           .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
           .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
           .WrapText = True
           .Orientation = 0
           .AddIndent = False
           .IndentLevel = 0
           .ShrinkToFit = False
           .ReadingOrder = xlContext
           .MergeCells = True
       End With
       Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
       Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
       With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
           .LineStyle = xlContinuous
           .ColorIndex = 0
           .TintAndShade = 0
           .Weight = xlMedium
       End With
       With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
           .LineStyle = xlContinuous
           .ColorIndex = 0
           .TintAndShade = 0
           .Weight = xlMedium
       End With
       With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
           .LineStyle = xlContinuous
           .ColorIndex = 0
           .TintAndShade = 0
           .Weight = xlMedium
       End With
       With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
           .LineStyle = xlContinuous
           .ColorIndex = 0
           .TintAndShade = 0
           .Weight = xlMedium
       End With
       Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
       Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone

       Selection.ColumnWidth = 4.6
       Selection.ColumnWidth = 39.4
       'Selection.ColumnWidth = 39.4



   'Word not already open error
   On Error Resume Next

   'Activate word if it is open
   Set WordApp = GetObject(class:="Word.Application")
   If Err.Number = 429 Then
   'Create a word application if word is not open
   Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
   End If

   'Set word app visible
       WordApp.Visible = False

   'define FWDoc path

   strFWDoc = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Fireworks.docm"

   'Check for document name in folder path, if not recognized, inform the user and exitmacro.
   If Dir(strFWDoc) = "" Then
   MsgBox "The file was not found in the folder/", cbExclamation, "Sorry, that document does not exist."

   End If

   'Activate Word

   'Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents("Fireworks.docx")
   Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents(strFWDoc)
   'If not open, then open
   If WordDoc Is Nothing Then Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(strFWDoc)
   'activate document

   'Paste to word
   If i > 3 Then WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak

   Set SubSec = CFsh.Cells(2, i)
       WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalText)
       'Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("FW Subsection")
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
   Set DeviceName = CFsh.Cells(3, i)
       WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalText)
       'Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("FW Device Name")
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).Paste
       Application.CutCopyMode = False

   j = j + 1

       'working method pasting and inserting page break
       WordDoc.Range(WordDoc.Content.End - 1).Paste 'AndFormat (wdFormatOriginalText)
       WordApp.Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("No Spacing")
       'Application.CutCopyMode = False

   'With WordDoc
   '    .Content.Style = .Styles("No Spacing")
   'End With

       'Feeble attempt to hide coppied cells
       CFsh.Columns(i).Hidden = True
       Application.CutCopyMode = False

   Next i

   'MsgBox "Microsoft Word File 'Practice.docx' is not currently open, Terminating.", 16

   CFsh.Columns.Hidden = False
   Application.CutCopyMode = False
   WordApp.Visible = True

   End Sub

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