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错误:$injector:modulerr 加载图像时有角度的模块

[英]Error: $injector:modulerr Module in angular when loading an image

I'm trying to create an carousal from the scratch using Angular.我正在尝试使用 Angular 从头开始​​创建一个 carousal。 So my html code relevant to the issue is as follows.所以我与问题相关的html代码如下。

<div id = "section1" class = "" ng-app = "sliderApp">
    <div class = "sec1_slider" ng-controller = "app">
         <div class = "slider_image">
               <img ng-src="{{ imageUrlProfile }}" class = "sm_icon">

And I have imported the relevant APIs.我已经导入了相关的 API。

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.5/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.5/angular-route.js"></script>

My Angular Code is as follows.我的角度代码如下。

var application = angular.module('sliderApp', ['ngRoute']);

application.controller('app', function($rootScope, $scope) {

        $rootScope.imageUrlProfile = 'slider-img1.png';


In the landing page, the image i defined in angular code 'slider-img1.png' is not loading and throws the following error in browser console.在登录页面中,我在角度代码“slider-img1.png”中定义的图像未加载并在浏览器控制台中引发以下错误。

angular.js:4073 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.5/ $injector/modulerr?p0=sliderApp&p1=Refere…ogleapis.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangularjs%2F1.3.5%2Fangular.min.js%3A16%3A463) angular.js:4073 未捕获的错误:[$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.5/ $injector/modulerr?p0=sliderApp&p1=Refere...ogleapis.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangularjs%2F1 .3.5%2Fangular.min.js%3A16%3A463)

Click here to see the link to the error. 单击此处查看错误链接。

what should I do to load the image ?我应该怎么做才能加载图像?

Edit : Here you can find the JSFiddle编辑:在这里你可以找到 JSFiddle

The issue is that in your config block, you are specifying variables for controllers.问题是在您的config块中,您正在为控制器指定变量。 But the variables haven't been declared or assigned values:但变量尚未声明或赋值:

Take a look at the Plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/2kfnAMja5BWgKTWU9FHt?p=preview看看 Plnkr: http ://plnkr.co/edit/2kfnAMja5BWgKTWU9FHt?p=preview

var application = angular.module('sliderApp', ['ngRoute']);

application.controller('app', function($rootScope, $scope) {

        $rootScope.imageUrlProfile = 'http://www.amaraholisticwellbeing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Fall-beautiful-nature-22666764-900-562.jpg';


application.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
            when('/option1', {templateUrl: 'tab1.html'/**, controller: ProfileCtrl**/}).
            when('/option2', {templateUrl: 'tab2.html'/**, controller: WorkCtrl**/}).
            when('/option3', {templateUrl: 'tab3.html' /**,controller: EduCtrl**/}).
            when('/', {templateUrl: 'openingTab.html'}).
            otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});

You can see where I have commented out the controllers.你可以看到我在哪里注释掉了控制器。 Those variables don't exist in the script given with your fiddle.这些变量在您的小提琴给出的脚本中不存在。 I chose to use Plnkr because JSFiddle has issues when trying to send normal http requests (https is fine) for the images.我选择使用Plnkr是因为 JSFiddle 在尝试为图像发送正常的 http 请求(https 很好)时出现问题。

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