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[英]Custom validation: returning ValidationResult(true, null) still fails validation

I'm entering a value that passes my custom validation check, yet WPF still comes up with a fail message: 我输入的值通过了我的自定义验证检查,但是WPF仍然显示失败消息:


Validation code parses the percentage, converts to a double. 验证码解析百分比,转换为双精度。 Using the debugger, I can step through and everything works fine. 使用调试器,我可以逐步进行,一切正常。 For a value of "50 %" it parses 0.5, steps through and gets to the last line return new ValidationResult(true, null); 对于“ 50%”的值,它解析0.5,逐步进入最后一行, return new ValidationResult(true, null);

However, it still causes a failed validation, with a default message "Value '50 %' could not be converted.". 但是,它仍然会导致验证失败,并显示默认消息“无法转换值'50%'。”。

    public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        double valueToValidate = 0;

            string trimmed = (value as string).TrimEnd(new char[] { '%', ' ' });
            valueToValidate = Double.Parse(trimmed) / 100;
        catch (Exception e)
            return new ValidationResult(false, "Illegal characters or " + e.Message);

        if ((valueToValidate < Min) || (valueToValidate > Max))
            return new ValidationResult(false,
              "Please enter a value in the range: " + Min + " - " + Max + ".");
            return new ValidationResult(true, null);

xaml: xaml:

                        <TextBox Grid.Column="2" Width="45">
                                <Binding Path="AppController.Zoom" StringFormat="{}{0:P0}">
                                        <helpers:MinMaxPercentageValidationRule Min="0.4" Max="2"/>

The failure states work fine, prompting with the appropriate message. 故障状态可以正常工作,并提示相应的消息。 It just seems to be the 似乎只是

In .NET Framework: 在.NET Framework中:

return ValidationResult.ValidResult;

In .NET Core: 在.NET Core中:

return ValidationResult.Success;

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