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C#使用泛型调用作为MVC ActionResult

[英]C# use generic invoke as MVC ActionResult

I have an Action in ASP.NET MVC4 that uses a generic method: 我在ASP.NET MVC4中有一个使用泛型方法的Action:

public ActionResult Test1()
    return Generic<TestClass>();

public ActionResult Test2(string className)
    MethodInfo method = typeof(ConfigController).GetMethod("Generic");
    MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(className));
    generic.Invoke(this, null);
    return null; // Generic<TestClass>();

public ActionResult Generic<T>() where T : new()
    DatabaseUtil db = new DatabaseUtil();
    ViewBag.ClassName = typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName;
    return View("~/Views/Config/GenericConfig.cshtml", db.SelectAll<T>());

Test1() works just as expected, it passes along the TestClass to the generic method and returns the view using the model of appropriate objects. Test1()按预期工作,它将TestClass传递给泛型方法,并使用适当对象的模型返回视图。

I want to take this a step further and just pass the class name as a string so that I don't need a specific action for each type I want to use. 我想更进一步,只是将类名作为字符串传递,这样我就不需要为我想要使用的每种类型执行特定的操作。

Test2() works up to the point where I return the view. Test2()工作到我返回视图的位置。 I know the invoke is working, as I hit a breakpoint in Generic<T> with the correct class type, but the return from Test2() is still what's passed back to the browser. 我知道invoke正在工作,因为我使用正确的类类型在Generic<T>了断点,但是从Test2()返回的仍然是传回给浏览器的。

How can I delegate the return to the generically invoked ActionResult method? 如何将返回委托给一般调用的ActionResult方法?

It was right in front of me (still new to reflection): 它就在我面前(对于反思来说还是新手):

public ActionResult Test(string className)
    MethodInfo method = typeof(ConfigController).GetMethod("Generic");
    MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(className));
    ActionResult ret = (ActionResult)generic.Invoke(this, null);
    return ret; 

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