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网站将进入 404 错误页面

[英]website is going to 404 error page

On this website I am building for wordpress, the footer.php file that I am editing I can't seem to fix one of the links.在这个网站上,我正在为 wordpress 构建,我正在编辑的 footer.php 文件我似乎无法修复其中一个链接。

<a href="<?php echo site_url(); ?>/contact-us/" class="btn btn-black text-uppercase pull-right">Contact Our Office</a>

When i click on the link it goes to a 404 page, and yes a contact-us page is real.当我点击链接时,它会转到 404 页面,是的,联系我们页面是真实的。


<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/contact-us/" class="btn btn-black text-uppercase pull-right">Contact Our Office</a>

You shouldn't need to use.你应该不需要使用。

<?php echo site_url(); ?>

You should be able to just use.你应该可以使用。

<a href="/contact-us/" class="btn btn-black text-uppercase pull-right">Contact Our Office</a>

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